Part 12

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It was a beautiful Sunday morning. Everyone was in there rooms sleeping as it is Sunday everyone sleeps till late.

Angelina and Dante were sleeping in Dante's room. Last night while talking Angelina slept there only. Both of them looked super cute sleeping while cuddling.

Angelina woke up first and saw Dante hugging her tightly and sleeping. then she slowly removed herself from him hold and replaced her with pillow without disturbing his sleep. She smiled looking at her brother sleeping looking so cute while hugging pillow. She slowly peck on his cheek and went to her room.

She wasn't sleepy anymore so she decided to get fresh up and shower. After shower she got ready in simple sweatshirt and sweatpants. After getting ready she scroll through her phone for sometime. She knows today all her brothers will get up late.

She then went to kitchen for getting herself a cup of coffee. She went in the kitchen but found it empty. She made herself a cup of coffee and sat on the kitchen stool drinking her coffee.while drinking coffee she thought to make some breakfast for all her siblings.

She then started preparing breakfast. She decided to make Dante's favourite blueberry pancakes and bacon. By the time she finished making pancakes and bacon the house cook made other breakfast.

After finishing her cooking she went out of the kitchen while the maids were arranging breakfast on dinning table. She went to the living room to see if anyone is awake. She found Alexander and Lorenzo in living room sitting on the couch. Luciano and Ariana just came from jogging as they were still in there tracksuit. While others were in there room.

It was 9:30 already so Alexander asked one of the maid to call everyone for breakfast. Angelina went and sat near Alexander on one of the couch.
" Good morning" Angelina said to Alexander and Lorenzo.
" Good Morning " they both replied.

Angelina then went to Dante's room to wake him up. As she went in the room she found the bed empty she thought he might be in the shower so she left to her room. After few minutes she again came to Dante's room. Dante was getting ready.

" Good morning Dante." She said cheerfully while entering the room.
Dante smiled at her then came near her and hugged her and said " good morning, you seemed happy today any reason."

" It's not like that. I am just excited for today." She said
" What for?" He asked.
" You will get to know. Now come lets go for breakfast." She said and dragged him out of the room.
He just smiled and went after her.

When they entered dinning room everyone was already present there except for Luca and Matteo.

"Good morning everyone." Angelina greeted while taking a seat and beside her was Dante. Everyone greeted her back.
Luca and Matteo also came for breakfast but looked like they just woke up.
" Have you even brushed or just came like that." Amelia asked seeing there state.
" Ofc I brushed my teeth and anyways it's Sunday so doesn't matter when we shower." Matteo said with a scoff.
" Ok since everyone is her let's start breakfast." Luciano said.

Everyone started serving breakfast for themselves. Dante was about to serve himself when Angelina stopped him and served him pancakes and bacons and orange juice.Dante's face light up seeing the breakfast and Angelina smiled happily seeing him happy. She also took one pancake and orange juice.

" Wow what's special today, we have Dante's favourite food for breakfast." Matteo said.
" Pancakes are delicious. Why don't they cook like this always." Luca said.
" Ya, today's breakfast is more delicious than normal days only pancakes and bacon." Lucas added.
Angelina was happy to hear it. She was eagerly waiting for Dante to complement her she specially made this for him.Dante was happily eating his breakfast.

" Pancakes and bacon are really very delicious Angel." Dante finally said. Angelina's smile widened.
"Thankyou." She said and continued her breakfast.
" Why are you thanking her for breakfast." Amelia asked Dante.
" Because Pancakes and bacon are made by her." Dante said.
Everyone looked shocked.
" How do you know?" Ariana asked.
" Because of its taste only Angel  knows how to make this pancakes according to my liking and she always makes food for me so I know the taste of her cooked food." Dante said.
" Really I didn't knew that you can cook also." Luciano said.
" Me too." Lorenzo added
" Why didn't you cooked for us earlier then." Luca asked
" She had cooked many time it's just that you never paid attention." Dante replied on behalf of Angelina.
" Why didn't you cooked mine favourite food?" Matteo asked.
" I don't know what anyone of you like. I just know what is Dante's favourite." Angelina said slowly.
" It's just excuse, if you wanted you could have asked us our favourite food but you just wanted to make Dante's favourite food. Anyways it's not even that good just normal." Luca said
" Ofc she will make my favourite food only because I am her favorite brother and if it is that normal food then you can eat something better you don't have to eat it." Dante said Luca just scoffed at him.
" Ok both of you shut up and continue your breakfast and Angelina food is good." Alexander said.

" Amelia and Ariana you both will be starting your school tomorrow. I hone you have prepared for it." Alexander asked .
" Yes everything is prepared. I am really excited to start new school." Amelia said cheerfully.
" Yeah, I have prepared everything for school." Ariana said in bored tone.

" Angelina you will be starting the school from Wednesday since you will need time for selecting uniform and admission process." Alexander said.
" And you are in same school with your brothers and Dante's college is also just beside your school." Luciano said.
" Excited for school now your sisters will also be with you in same class?" Lorenzo said.
" In which class are you doing my admission?" Angelina asked after listening to Lorenzo.
" What do you mean by which class, ofc with your sister in junior year of highschool." Luca said.
" Alex in which class are you planning to do her admission?" Dante asked.
" With Ariana and Amelia in junior year of highschool." Alexander said.
" Wow you must be kidding me." Dante said with the scoff. Angelina held his hand to calm him.
" What do you mean by that." Luciano said
" In which year is Angelina studing? Do anyone of you know?" Dante asked.
" She is with sisters in junior year of highschool." Lorenzo said.
" Wow what a brothers you are." Dante said rolling his eyes.
Angelina was hurt that her own brothers don't know in which class she is studying . She thought did they ever even checked her report card. She was busy in her thought but Dante's voice broke her thought. She thought to stop their argument.
" I am not in junior years I am in senior years with Matteo" Angelina said and everyone became silent.

" What?How?you are 16 right?" Matteo asked.
" Yes she is 16 only but she skipped 2 classes so she is now two years ahead of students of her age." Dante replied.
" Really, how come we don't know? Angelina why didn't you told us about this?" Luciano asked
" Alexander himself signed my form. I thought he knew but  I guess he doesn't remember." Angelina said.
" I don't remember that and even if I did signed your form you could have told me earlier. And why did you skipped 2 years?" Alexander said.
" My sister is too intelligent and she didn't wanted to waste her two years studying when she could just skip it." Dante said.
" But how did you even skipped two years." Lucas asked.
" Anyone can skip their class you just need to pass some exams with 80+ percentage." Angelina said
" And you passed that exams with 80+ percentage." Amelia said
" Not just 80+ first year exam with 98 and second exam with 97 percentage." Dante said feeling proud of his sister.
" Wow, didn't knew you were a nerd." Luca said.
" Good to know atleast someone is focused on there studies." Lorenzo said.

All the brothers except Dante were now feeling guilty  that they don't know anything about there sister and were also proud of her but didn't showed it. Amelia was now burning in jealousy and Ariana was neutral.
Everyone completed there breakfast and went to living room.


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