Chapter 17

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Ainsley's POV

After church we went out to eat, then we went home.

Keaton was waiting for me on my porch when I got home.

"I need to talk to you." He said. He was looking a little sad.

"Ok, let me change then we can talk." I said.

I changed quickly then went back to him, I just threw on some leggings and a t-shirt.

"Ains, I think we should break-up." He said cutting to the chase.

"WHAT?" I yelled.

"I am going to college and you're still in high school. This long distance thing isn't going to work." He started. "I feel bad leaving you here, missing out on events that require a date when I am not here to be that date for you." He finished.

I started crying. "Keaton Colt. How dare you. I wouldn't go to those events. I don't care if people make fun of me, I just want you." I said bawling.

He tried to hug me. "No, I am done just leave. I hope you have fun at college. I'm sure you'll find some pretty cheerleader girl and go out with her because she's better than me." I yelled hardly even making sense to myself.

This was a bad time for me anyways because I was hormonal right now. I had girl problems.

He just sat there with his mouth parted.

I looked up at him. "I hope you're happy. I hope you got the freedom you wanted."

I started to walk away. "Ains wait. I-" I cut him off.

No, Keaton you've had your chance, I don't want to be heartbroken all over again." I yelled walking to the door and slamming it behind me.

I ran to my room and started crying.

Keaton kept calling my phone. i had 33 missed calls from him and 31 voicemails. I didn't care though, I wasn't keeping track.

Was all those times he said I love you false? Was I the only one that felt the love? I was so crushed, so heartbroken, and felt so alone.

I decided to call Lola and Maya and see if they would come over. They were both here within a half hour. By then I tried to wipe my tears and man up a bit.

"Ainsley omg, what happened?" Lola asked.

"K-keaton." I stuttered starting to cry again. Lola and Maya pulled me into a big hug trying to comfort me.

"What did he do?" They both asked in unison.

"He b-b-broke up with me b-because he didn't wanna do long d-distance." I mumbled crying once more.

"Oh Ain, I am so sorry." Maya said.

"Let's watch a movie or something to cheer you up." Lola suggested.

"Ok, how about the Avengers?" Maya suggested "No romance there and right now we want no romance."

We all decided on the Avengers, all three of us cuddled onto my bed and watched it.

After the movie we talked some more and then the two girls left.

I decided to listen to Keaton's voicemails, mostly because I missed his voice.

This is what most of them said.

Keaton: Ains please give me a chance to explain, baby I never meant to hurt you. I don't want a cheerleader at collage they'll never compare to you.

Keaton: Come on babe, i know you're listening to these, I also know you love me, I love you too sweetheart please give me one chance to explain.

Then the last one was this....

Keaton: Ainsley baby please, one chance that's all I am asking. I am picking you up tomorrow at 9 with your favorite coffee and candy, we are gonna go to the park and talk. Please text me. I miss you. Then Lola cut in... Keaton Colt how dare you break my best friends heart. I knew she as too good for you and i warned you if you ever hurt her I would punch you.

That's All i heard he must have hung up.

Gosh I love Lola, she is really a true friend.

I am stupid and decided to text him.

ME:Hey, I will talk with you tomorrow.

Keat: So now you talk to me. Baby I missed you.

ME: Don't play all loviedovie, All i said was I would talk with you.

Keat: I understand I hurt you, I never meant for that. I'm sorry.

ME: We'll discuss this tomorrow. You better have a good excuse and you better have good coffee and chocolate for me.

I never heard a response from him but then again it was 1 am maybe he fell asleep. Who knows. I am not going easy on him though. He hurt me and I was taught to never give into a guy that has hurt you because he may do it again.

I decided to go to sleep because I had a lot to discuss in the morning and I was sure I needed to be well rested to state my case.

A/N Super short chapter but it's good! Right???

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Are you guys wanting a sequel??? I am thinking of writing one...

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Love you guys!!! <3 Sadie!!!!

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