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Ryan's POV

Like an erupting volcano, I burst into my parent's mansion with anger coursing through me and stormy red eyes.

I stalk towards the second living room when no one is in sight the moment I enter, except for the maids whom I do not feel like talking to.

The person I want to see is my mother. And dad.

They both caused this. If only they didn't try to force me or blackmail me into marrying that crazy woman in the penthouse, maybe I won't be this frustrated, angry, and sad, and I would probably be on my way to work, excited for a new day's challenge.

They caused this so they should answer for this.

During the wedding yesterday, I realized mother was the one behind it all. She was the one who reminded my dad about it and pushed him to force me into this.

This is just unfair. This is unfair.

This is sheer wickedness.

Just before I get to the living room, Nita appears. When she spots me, she smiles and waves her hand but I shove her away and enter to see mom sitting on her usual chair, sipping wine with her legs crossed.

"Ryan?" She calls when she looks up to see me standing without a word.

"Are you ok, Ryan?" My sister, Anita who I just shoved away in anger asks me as she comes in front of me, with confusion written all over her.

Anita is still in college. She goes to school in Boston and she only came home because of the wedding.

Mom examines me from head to toe and finally fixes her gaze on my face, with a curious expression.

"Are you going to work? What about your honeymoon with your…"

This is when I can no longer hold it back in. "Honeymoon my foot, mom!" I snarl in anger, pointing my index finger at her. "Why did you let me marry that woman?"

Anita and my mother both look confused but I am not in the mood to tell them what happened and how that woman has been frustrating the hell out of me since we tied the knot. It is just a day but it feels like a year of torture.

"Do you have any idea what I am going through right now? No, you don't because of your selfish reasons. Just because she is your friend's daughter doesn't mean I should marry her. Just because you like her doesn't mean I will like her as a wife. If you really wanted me to be married, why didn't you give me the choice to find a woman myself? Why does it have to be her?" I rasp out, ignoring Anita's wide eyes.

Silence ensues and mother isn't attempting to give me an answer. She is calm looking and quiet.

I explode again."Mom, will you please answer me? Can you give me one good reason why you let me marry that crazy woman? Do you even know who she is? You don't, yet you let this marriage shit happen despite my protest."

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