Chapter 5

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( Damon's POV)

I can't believe he's actually here.

Alive, and healthy.

My first love is back

And I'm not about to lose him again

"No touching the mortal or Theo without my command am I understood?" I stated as the bathallion leaders lined up in front of the door where Theo and the mortal was waiting for interrogation.

"Especially you Francisco" I stated in wolfage as I glared at my beta, whom, used to be Theo's apprentice.

The only reason why I chose him as beta was because he was under Theo's supervision in training.

And nobody, not one, trains harder than Theodore Willson.

"Understood" He replied as I remained glaring at him remembering the times where he used to be so close with Theo even when we were mates.

Timothy: Theo masked his scent as the luna, how the fuck would Francisco even know that he was mated?

Doesn't change the fact that Theodore was oblivious to this idiot's true intentions- I retorted causing Timothy to roll his eyes at my obvious stupidity.

"AM I UNDERSTOOD?" I yelled causing  everyone to howl in response.

"And before I forget, everything you see..everything you hear, leave it here" I said causing the bathallion leaders to bow in respect.


Theo really had trained them well.

The bathallion leaders that are standing before me now, used to be from Theo's platoon ( Platoon: a certain group within a military formation).

Back when we were 16, Ethan, Theo and I trained side by side until my father had assigned the both of us a platoon. Whoever was able to polish the group better wins.

And Theo, being the competitive shit head that he is had done best out of the three of us.

I had always been second to him.

And I admired him for that.

Timothy: But now, even if he looks a bit fragile, he was still able to stare at you dead in the eyes. My wolf stated in admiration causing me to internally chuckle.

Typical Theodore- I replied.

Timothy: is..the reason why you kept him because you still love him? You know he..probably detest us by now. My wolf stated causing me to remain silent.

My investigation about that night is almost finished, until then, I'm not about to lose him all over again- I replied causing Timothy to hesitantly sigh.

Timothy: even if the pack is against it?
He asked causing me to chuckle in amusement.

7 years ago, that statement would be more than enough to scare me..but now?- I laughed as I felt Timothy's discomfort at my sudden change in tone.

I'm more than willing to start a war just to keep the stubborn brat by my side, wether by will or by force- I replied not before closing the link.

I searched all over for him when I took over, but, I never thought he'd be in another realm.

He really must hate me huh?

I chuckled mocking myself for my own stupidity. I can't change what I did, but I can still change what I'm about to do.

"Leave" I said causing everyone to salute.

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