4 What's with their reactions?

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Yejun was sitting on the couch, glaring intently at the truck. If it wasn't for that truck then Yejun will not be doing this kind of game.


The truck slowly turn to face him and then flinched as he saw the dark aura surrounding the feline. Nervously, he asks. "W-What is it?"

"I don't want to play this stupid game, bring me back to my original world."

"Well..." Truck-kun averted his eyes from Yejun. "...as much as I want, I can't." Truck-kun actually wants to bring him back because he felt guilty, well, slightly guilty.

"What? You're able to get me here but can't bring me back?"

"T-That's against the rules....you need to complete the tasks first before you can return..." Truck-kun said, still avoiding Yejun's sharp gaze.

"Actually I'm fine with me transmigrating to another world but...not this!!! If you transport me into another world, at least in the world full of magic!! Not this f****ng dating game!" Yejun yelled furiously.

"Sorry..." That's the only word that came from his mouth. Truck-kun knows it's his fault, yes he is guilty but if we rate it on a scale of 1-10 with ten being the highest, the guilt he was feeling is only 1 ½.

Every person who transmigrates, it's their destiny! They are chosen! No need to be feel guilty! Truck-kun thought.

Yejun only clicks his tongue while looking at the truck. He doesn't have any choice but to play this game, especially if he possessed someone who will die sooner or later, he can't let that happen. If he wants to go back to his world then, he needs to avoid death and play the stupid game in which the heroine is twisted.

The cat sighs before he spoke. "Can I turn into a person?" I can't just stay in this form all the time, there are some things that a cat can't do that a human being does.

"Oh! I almost forgot, yes you can! All you need to do is...eat cat food! And to turn into a cat, eat cat food again!!"

"W-What...?" Yejun was dumbfounded.

"And you are lucky!! I have cat food here with me!" The toy truck open the vehicle's door and all of a sudden, one pack of cat food came out.

Yejun looks at him with an I-can't-believe look. How could he eat cat food?! He's a person! A human! A homo sapiens! Not an actual cat!!

"I'm not a cat!" Yejun cannot accept that he needs to eat cat food to have a human form.

Truck-kun looks at him in disbelief. "Have you not looked at yourself in the mirror? You're a cat."

"My appearance is a cat, but deep inside is a handsome human being!!"

"Oooh...but don't worry, this is the most expensive cat food! This a Chinixx brand! It's made with natural ingredients freshly harvested from farms, with no artificial ingredients! This is a healthy cat food, highly recommended!" Truck-kun said as he let out his right wing and made a thumbs up.

Yejun made a disgusting look. Even though that is the most expensive, that is still food for cats. Just thinking about it, Yejun could throw up. "Ugh..."

Truck-kun notice it and started to persuade the cat. "Come on, Yejun-nim. This is su~per yummy~" He's holding one piece of cat food and tried to feed it to Yejun.

Yejun keep his mouth closed while looking at the food disgustingly.

"If you want to change form then you need to eat cat foods~. Since you're in a cat form it will probably just suit your taste. Here, Kitty, this is ve~ry delicious~"

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