Chapter 1, A Dream's Romance, part 1

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Chapter One
"'mon, Jacob. Spill it – why are we here?"
"And spoil the fun? You know me better than that, Meg." Meg caught the playful glint in Jacob's eyes, mirroring the warmth in his smile with a longing of her own. "Meg, sweetie, time to get up!" "Just a few more minutes, Mom!" Meg groaned, shielding her eyes from the insistent sunlight. Even as her hand moved, she couldn't shake the lingering warmth of Jacob's touch.
Despite her resistance, the persistent voice defied every attempt to stay asleep. "I hope you're up and moving. Your bus will be here shortly."
"Damn it!" Meg's struggle was lost. The morning light had already crept in, stealing her from the fantasy dreamland. Now, there was no choice but to face the day.
At what point do we consider something to be real? If it feels real, doesn't that make it real enough? These dreams are killing me. They seem as real as me sitting here now, wasting away in English class. Instead of paying attention, I'm writing notes about a world that feels more real than this one. A world I return to every night to share with the man I love, a love that transcends imagination. And yet here I am, without him, forced to endure a reality I'm supposed to call the real world. How do I expedite these days to get back to the man I love?
"Has anyone ever told you how incredibly sexy you are, particularly in that white dress?" Jacob asked, hands tightly locked with hers.
Meg blushed and returned a smile. "I think you have, many times, I believe."
Jacob bit her lip before a kiss. "I love you," he whispered.
"I love you," she responded before they kissed again.
"All right, this is what we're here for." They watched the last glimpse of the setting sun's rays while floating along the gently pulling current.
Meg tried to sit up, but Jacob gently stopped her. "You're going to want to see this," he whispered, adding to the anticipation.
Passing the cave's threshold, a mist from a split waterfall sprinkled onto their faces. Inside the cave, an array of fluorescent specks cast warm, colorful glows.
"What is this place?" Meg asked in amazement.
"The Arachnocampa larvae spin silk threads from the cavern ceiling, each tipped with a glow to attract prey," Jacob explained, watching Meg's face glow in excitement. "The deep purple glow signals the cocoon about to give birth to a beauty few have seen and even fewer could appreciate."
"It's amazing." Meg was captivated as they drifted deeper into the cave, surrounded by vibrant colors.
"Not as amazing as you," Jacob replied, prompting her to turn and gaze into his eyes.
"You never cease to amaze me." Meg caressed Jacob's face, both faintly visible amidst the dancing colors.
"This isn't even the best part," Jacob said as they sat up.
"How could this not be the best part?" Meg questioned, and the answer became evident as they both stood.
Now even the water's depths emitted glows. The colors below blended into a mesmerizing display, reflecting off the stream's surface.
After enjoying the scenery, Jacob stood, jumped onto a dry edge, and tied up the boat. He held a hand to help Meg out.
"How far do these caverns go?" She asked, following him.
"I'm not really sure..." Jacob responded, leading her around the corner. "But I found this." He nodded toward a steaming pool surrounded by burning candles.
She let out a nervous laugh. "I don't know what to say."
"Then say nothing." They approached the water hole where Jacob took off his shirt and stepped in. "You coming?" He asked, looking up at her eager yet timid eyes.

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