Important Announcement

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Hey, guys!

So, here is the thing.

This was originally going to be the announcement of the second book for Winter and Cameron. I was going to give you clues about the plot and make an announcement later on, but... life.

First, for the sequel, the setting of that book is summer and I really don't think it's fitting to start posting it now, so I turned in a different direction. (You will be getting this book in the summer though, only a few chapters left)

So after I finished posting the book, a bunch of shit just happened that made me lose inspiration. Starting a book used to be effortless for me -my escape- but I hadn't had that need to write in two months - I felt drained. Don't get me wrong I had MANY ideas and unfinished books, but because every time I start a new book is time I enter a new point in my life, and my life has so drastically changed the past months, I couldn't bring myself to write those books (even reading was hard). I didn't feel like the same person.

Now here is the thing, I still don't feel like the same person I was, and it hurt a lot to come to the realization that I probably never will be that person that wrote sarcastic comments and cute romances, with such ease. BUT I finally don't see the future as something so horrible just because it will now be with the people I pictured it with.

With this new person I'm becoming, and with the struggles I overcome comes the idea of a new book, and I can't express to you how overjoyed I am for finally getting to that point where my fingers itch to write - I'm tearing up as I'm reading this. I'm of course going to post some extra stuff on this book, so I don't completely lose touch with the characters (extra chapters, edits, etc).

About the new book, it's again a good old heartfelt romance, but I'm going to focus on the emotional side more. Grief, acceptance, finding your footing in the world again, because I have a lot to say on that topic.

The first chapter is being written right after I post this update. Since the other book took me about two months to write and one to edit, I'm much more experienced now and the book is closer to my heart and has a lot more of my personal experiences, I think it will be written even faster.

I will be posting about my process on the Instagram account @scars.and.roses, so follow me there.

I hope you are all doing well. I'm sorry for the ghosting over the past months, and the empty promises, but I'm back to stay.

Thank you all so very much!

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