Ch. 55 - The Story of FGoD

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(TW: panic attack. do not take this as a guide on subverting them - not everyone reacts the same or needs the same attention in those situations

Hearts for Error <3 )


Fresh and Error's feet touched down just as the rainbow expelling from Ink died down.

Ink stared at them ... almost completely blank. His eye lights were near white and hazy. His hand hovering uncertainty over his vials. Hovering more over yellow, at seeing the two not dead.

As for why he wasn't attacking, the latest Fate string connecting the two had been snapped before they returned. And that wasn't the only thing Fresh did in preparation. Fate could watch but do nothing to control what would happen.

Not that Ink knew about Fate, which was why he hesitated on the paint. He never really wanted to kill Error before that weird compulsion came out of nowhere. If Error died, who would he have fun letting loose with? Don't get him wrong - they weren't really 'friends.' But Error had been a part of his life for so long, even if negatively, and Ink wouldn't really know what to do if he was gone. Retire, probably ... but Ink had no idea what that would entail.

If he had his emotions back, would they start fighting again? Ink didn't want that. Not without answers. So, even though he hated his emotions being so dim due to the risk it presented, he decided to wait until he got to the bottom of what had happened to him and how Error seemed to know what it was.

And try not to go too far in his pursuit.

Dream had his mouth covered in shock as he could hardly believe the sight in front of him, having thought the worst.

Blue, still holding his look-alike doll close, was confused as he helped his friend back to his feet. This was not part of Destiny's plan.

"H-how ...?" Dream asked.

Fresh's shades displayed EYE-ROLL. "Like a little trip ta da Void would stop a radical bro like me." Fresh smirked and gave finger guns.

Error surveyed the shocked crowd with a resigned expression in case anyone still had a bone to pick. He had also stepped a few paces from Fresh so he could do the talking and to make sure if there were any stray attacks that they wouldn't be in too much danger of hitting the group.

When his eye lights landed on Ink to find him staring so intently back for being so low on his paint, Error hesitated only a moment before tentatively asking.

"... are you o-o-o-okay?"

Ink tilted his skull minutely in thought of the question before simply stating. "I'll figure that out later." It was devoid of his usual energy, catching several of those nearby by surprise. He didn't care very much.

Dream started looking nervous, spotting how washed out Inks eye lights were. He cautiously reached toward Inks paints, movements well broadcasted to said skeleton. "M-Maybe you should-"

Ink callously brushed Dream's hand aside and said, "Later." His eye lights pinned Error. "First. I want answers."

Error nodded. "And you'll g-g-g-get them."

Blue was looking between the nervous Dream and oddly acting Creator.

"Why did I try to kill you?" Ink asked, going straight for the biggest question on his mind.

"You were b-b-b-being manipulated."

"You said that before we started fighting and that you were the one forced before." Ink said, surprise only a wisp of what it should. "By who and why?"

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