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Buzzz!!! Buzzzz!!!!!

My eyes flickered open while the alarm was bustling in my ear. I switched off the alarm and rubbed my eyes. I sat on the edge of the bed and turned my head around to see Miss Nolan.

Surprisingly, she was not on the bed. I checked the time and it was still quarter to six.

Maybe she went to her room at midnight.

I got up from my bed and walked to my bathroom to get ready for the committee.

After having a bath, I wore my suit and stood infront of my mirror. I dried my hair and combed it. I opened the drawer to take my watch out but as it opened my eyes fell on the photo frame of our little family. Precisely, a perfect family picture which was ruined after several years. My hands itched to take the photo frame out but I resisted and took my watch out before wearing it. I closed the drawer and marched outside the room.

I switched on the lights of the dining area and walked towards the main door. I opened the door and on the door mat was my parceled food. I took the paper bag and walked inside the dining. I stopped in my tracks as I saw Miss Nolan on the dining area, setting the breakfast for me.

I smiled and walked towards my place.
"Breakfast is ready, Sir!!" She pulled a chair for me to sit and as her gaze fell on the paper bag in my hand..
"Oh God!!!" She groaned while rolling her eyes heavenward.
"How many times have I told you to not order that food from the epic delight." She grimaced while staring at the paper bag.
"Look!!" She pointed at the plate.
"I've prepared you such a tasty French toast and scrambled egg." She threw her hand up in exasperation.

She is too melodramatic..

"And now.." she snatched the paperbag from my hand.
"Eat my delicious french toast." She gestured me to sit.

I sat on the chair and looked down at the plate, the breakfast indeed looked delicious. I took the first bite and wow... just had a taste of heaven.

She sat across me and kept gazing at me until I finished my last bite. I wiped my mouth and whispered a thank you to her before getting up. Along with me she also got up and suddenly stomped her one feet before saluting to me.
"Have a good day Sir!!!" She screeched like those commandos as I narrowed my eyes.

She passed me a smile and I spun around to move out of my house. I couldn't help but smile.

Silly idiotic girl!!


The chauffeur stopped the car at the entrance of the committee gate, and again there he was.... Marcel Dèlacourt, creating a ruckus outside my committee.  The guard was not letting him in and he kept the guard under his gunpoint. The guard stood still as Marcel's eyes burned holes on his head.

I got out of the car and started walking towards them.

"I'm warning you--" Marcel was cut short as I stood infront of the guard, shielding him.

And now I was on his gunpoint, the gun barrel was pointed to my forehead.
"Shoot me!! And enter in." I challenged without an ounce of fear in me.
"It's a battle between me and you, don't pull an innocent man inside this."

Marcel's passed me a murderous glare while clutching the gun tightly.

"You're taking the dangerous steps Harold, I'm warning you." He lowered his gun while still glaring at me menacingly.
"You're calling for a massacre by stepping your foot inside the Russian domain." His voice was low but way to authoritative.
"You don't know the Russian mobsters, if they ever get the clue about the're done!! You will end up like you're mother."

On the mention of my mother, my demeanor changed, my body started trembling in rage and my eyes welled up, slightly turning the sclera red. I wanted nothing but to kill him right in an instant. But one thing was stopping me, that this man is my so called father.

Both of our eyes glaring at each other. Mine, filled with malice and hatred while his eyes were filled with menace and warnings.

"You're a scourge, a walking symbol of weakness, I expected you to be my pride and you.." he grimaced.
" are nothing but a disappointment to me. Saving girls and yearning for a drugfree society won't make you any powerful, it will only destroy you. You're just like your mother, she was al--"

"ENOUGH!!!" My voice boomed.
"Not a single word against my mother." I warned him as intense rage overpowered him.

His jaws clenched together and eyes turned into slits making him look more deadly and I stood there with a blank face.

"You're alive because we are related by blood or else you would have been dead the day you killed Donovan." His posture was shaking with rage as he said lowly yet dangerously.

"Same here!!!" I gritted.

Blood!!!! That is the only thing that has kept me away from killing him. Blood is always thicker that water. However he is or whatever he is, he's my father and I have to be with it for the rest of my life. The abhorrence I feel to the fact that he is my father is worse. He disgusts me in every way possible. 

"I don't want you to end up like your mother so, shut with your invasions, it will only lead you to death, so I'm warning you and better take my warnings seriously and throw this shit away." He gritted while pointing at the committee building.

With that he spun around and marched away from me and piece by piece my heart shattered all over again. I swallowed the huge lump in my throat and controlled my emotions. I turned towards the committee and entered in.

I strolled to my cabin with a quick pace. I reached my cabin and closed the door before leaning against it. Slowly my feet gave up as I collapsed on the floor.

My emotions were all over the place and one by one my tears fell from my eyes.


Why his words cause me such an agony?


Why he has to be my father?!


Everytime the question is always 'why'?



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