32 || Fuckin' Tuesday

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     Togeike woke up the next morning to a screeching alarm and a whirlwind of a messy floor. The night before had been a nightmare of tension and candy, leaving her with a migraine and a stomach ache. Grabbing her bag, she threw her blank homework into a side pocket and threw it at the door with a sharp movement.

     She sloppily did up her uniform and hair and walked out of her room, nearly forgetting the backpack entirely. 

     She grabbed a pack of Poptarts and nearly made it out of the house when someone said her name.

     "Chikuchi." He called out to her. She groaned and spun around to face her cousin, Yosetsu Awase, who was staring at him with those same intense eyes he always had. No matter what, he always seemed like he'd just watched someone die.

     "Yosetsu." She replied with a sarcastic smile.

     He grabbed one of her Poptarts and walked out of the door in front of her, "Nothing, just wanted to be in front of you again." He said as he stepped down onto the make-shift and run-down deck.

     "Yeah, but you're lower, now, short stuff."

     He rolled his eyes and ignored Togeike. She sighed and kept her distance from him while they walked in the direction of their school.

     "Stuck-up hero course student." She mumbled.

     "I fuckin' heard that!" He growled, smacking her in the back of her head, "At least I made it."

     Togeike rolled her eyes, "Thank god I didn't sign up. Don't you have hero training today? Sounds like too much work for me, anyway." 

     Awase threw his head back in emotional agony, "Ugh- don't remind me! Monoma's pissed because class 1-A doesn't have to come, apparently. Dunno what it is about fuckin' Tuesday that excuses them. I say we're better without Mineta, anyways."

     Togeike's eyes went wide, "Wait, today's Tuesday?" She asked in a panicked tone, stopping in her tracks.

     Her cousin turned with his expression reading confusion, "Uh, yeah, why? You got a hot date?" He asked in an obviously sarcastic tone. Instead of glaring at him, as she normally would, Togeike threw her bag at Awase, "Actually, yes, kind of!" She shouted as she ran off.

     Turning back quickly and walking backward, Togeike held her hands around her mouth, "Do whatever the fuck you want with that, just bring it back home after school!" She yelled before turning away again.

     Awase watched her run off in a totally different direction from U.A. in a stunned gaze. Mumbling a few curses, he threw her bag over his shoulder and on top of his own.

     "Yeah, totally, love you, too, cous'. Oh thank you so much, Yosetsu, you're so cool and amazing and handsome. Oh, you're so welcome, Chiku', you can thank me with free food if you must. Oh, Yosetsu, of course, I will! You're so selfless! Oh, I know, cous', oh, I know."

     Mei, Shinsou, and Midoriya were in the shed listening to songs on Shinsou's playlist to pass the time.

     "Where the hell is she?" Shinsou asked over the Lovejoy on the speakers, "If we skip school and she doesn't, Mic'll know something's up, more than he already will."

     "I'd say you were doomed to get in trouble either way," Mei said through a mouthful of Doritos.

     Midoriya raised an eyebrow, "And you're not?"

     Mei shook her head, opening her drink with one hand, "Nobody expects any sense of schedule from me. Might get detention, though."

     "You're scarily self-aware." Shinsou muttered.

     "Her insanity doesn't make her insane, as long as she's sane enough to recognize it." Midoriya replied, half paying mind to their conversation as he tied his boots as part of his Valor vigilante costume.

     All of their attention was pulled to the door as it slammed open. Midoriya ducked behind the table on instinct to hide his outfit.

     Heavy breathing lapsed, and the person who came in collapsed in a chair, "Oh god," Togeike's voice breathed, "I ran the whole way. I haven't run voluntarily in years. Oh, my hero."

     Midoriya stood up as soon as he recognized her, "What took you so long?"

     "Totally forgot today was Tuesday. You should thank my cousin for reminding me on accident."

     "W-" Shinsou started.

      "Actually," Togeike continued, "Don't thank him. Ever. His ego might inflate his head even more."

     "Well." Shinsou re-asserted himself with a playful glare, "If Mido' doesn't hurry, he'll have to find where to go on his own. So you're just in time."

     Togeike nodded, taking one more deep breath and going to her own seat in front of a microphone.

     Valor leaned against the outside wall of U.A. with a sigh. He'd looked over the top from a nearby building and seen the bus still inside the gates, meaning he hadn't missed it yet.

     "How are you planning on getting into the bus?" Candy asked. Editor sighed, "If you were here on time, you'd know that's not even the goal."

     Candy scoffed, "I said I was sorry. So, what's the plan?"

     "Well," Mystery started. Their voice carried a sort of pride, "Since he can't go inside without being spotted, and we have no idea where the U.S.J is, I stayed up all of last night making sticky-gloves!" They clapped their hands.

     Mystery calmed down and continued, "Valor's not going in the bus, he's going to have to hold onto it, though."

     Valor sighed, "As much as I hate it, yeah." 

     Candy giggled, "I'm so glad I showed up to watch that."

     An engine started, and the distant voices of hyper teens died down, shuffling onto the bus. Valor readied himself and jumped into a tree, the leaves hiding him away.

     He watched the large bus lead its way out of the gates, and he waited until it was past the tree. He eyed the mirror the driver could spot him out of. When the driver looked off to the side, Valor jumped down and flew behind the bus as fast as he could as to not be spotted.

     Valor pressed a button on the inside of each of his new, modified gloves. An orange substance seeped out of the fingertips, and Valor pressed his back to the bus and his fingers against its metal. He tucked his feet above the end of the bus, securing them to not drag against the asphalt.

     He held his breath and looked above him, letting it out when he noted he was just out of view of the back window.

     He didn't relax at all until the bus veered off of the road and onto a path Valor had never seen before, leaving the buildings behind them, and relieving Valor's fear of being spotted by pedestrians.

     "And now we wait." Mystery said.

     "Now we wait." Valor confirmed.

{1130 words}


THANK YOU ALL FOR THE 6K! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH- I've just kinda accepted this now I guess... still don't really get it but then again imeen is a very good writer.


This is the second last chapter! One more week! And then it'll be the USJ... yay. Not very sure what will happen during it, but it's gonna be chaos. That's literally all I know.

So um, see you all next week? Again, sorry about the late chapter!

Also, fun fact, I've never eaten a poptart in my life. I'd love to try one though.

Errr that's it?



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