29. Cry & Freezing

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Travis Swanson-

I showed up to her dorm, knocking lightly as she opened her door, surprised.

I handed her the sunflower I held.

"What's this for?" She asked.

"Get some warm clothes on." I told her.

"I-okay." She whispered and I watched as she pulled sweats over her shorts, a coat over her shoulders.

She pulled her shoes on and looked at me.

I held her hand, pulling her to my car outside and she got in, dusting the snowflakes off herself.

"What's happening?" She asked me.

I didn't answer her, driving to an empty parking lot I was at literally 15 minutes ago, one that's not too far from a Dunkin' Donuts.

"I did something." I smiled.

"What?" She asked.

"Get out." I told her.

She did and I ran us to a gazebo that I decorated.

"No." She whispered and I smiled.

I strung white fairy lights where I could, sunflowers lacing the benched areas.

Very random, but I thought of it. I thought of her.

"Travis." She smiled, her hand over her heart.

"Wait." I turned on my Bluetooth speaker, playing her favorite song.

Cars Outside- James Arthur.

"No." She laughed, her eyes red and glossed with tears.

I pulled her to me, beginning a slow rhythm.

I sang the words, I knew the song on the guitar, but I wanted to sing it to her.

And I was.

She put her head on my chest, I heard her sob and I frowned.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"K-keep singing." She whispered.

I did.

Every word.

She grew shaky, making me panic slightly.


"Shhh." She trembled, pulling her head from my chest with a sad smile.

Her face was red, and tearstruck.

"You don't u-understand. This is ev-everything." She whispered, I took her hand in mine, kissing her knuckles.

"Spur of the moment." I smiled.

She laughed.

"It doesn't matter." She shook her head.

"You like it?" I asked.

"So much. So much." She shook her head.

I held her tighter.

"Replay the song. Sing it to me." She told me.

I did exactly what she said.

And I sang it completely and fully to her.

This song sounded like it was about a long distance relationship. It made me so grateful that I'm not I'm that situation.

"Hailey?" I mumbled.


"What happens if I have to travel for school too? Or for music if I actually get far?" I asked.

"Well for one, you will get far so don't act like you won't. And two, I'll come with you. You're gonna have a schedule so I can get a decent job and maybe save up for more personal stuff." She told me.

"How do you live without a job now?" I asked.

"Rich, dead parents." She chuckled.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I mumbled.

"Don't be. I'm a nice person, but that aspect of myself I'm 100% disconnected too. I didn't even know them." She laughed like it really didn't matter.

"You positive?" I asked.

"I really am. I'm not even joking." She nodded.

"I believe you. Do you know what happened?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. And since I have no emotional ties to any of it, I don't plan on doing research just incase I might actually care. But for as long as I've existed it's never bothered me." She hummed.

"So does that make you rich then?" I asked.

"Yeah actually. But I still save that money so it can be lifelong. I'm avoiding being a college girl working at a cafe." She smiled.

"You'd look cute in an apron." I nodded.

"Yeahhhh no." She shook her head.

"I was thinking. I'd take these down, take you to Dunkin'. Then anything else is up to you love." I told her.

She smiled.

"Can I abuse your apartment and ask for a bath? I haven't taken one in ages and it sounds so good. I'm so cold." She laughed.

"Anything you want." I nodded.

"You're a gentleman. And I appreciate this." She looked around us.

"It wasn't as good as I pictured. Specifically in length." I smiled.

"It was perfect. Enough to make me cry and get freezing at the same time." She winked.

"As long as I made you happy." I whispered.

She kissed my lips.

"You make me nothing less."

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