Chapter two

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Fiddling with my pen, frustrated I continue filling out some documents.

"Boss, there's an important call you need to answer!" My employee says rushing into my office out of breath.

"Fuck, Diego. How many times have I told you to knock! And I don't have time to talk to some loser!" I say rubbing my temples.

"No, it's really important boss!"

"Did you just talk back to me?" I asked getting slightly pissed off.

Sweat was dripping down his forehead. "It's about your sister, Ivah." He said scratching the back of his neck.

My heart dropped.

"Give me the god damn phone stupid!" I yelled at him.

He quickly handed me the phone, giving me a quick nod and exiting the room.

"Hello, this is Lorenzo Moretti."

"Hi, Lorenzo. I'm officer Kennedy Rodgers. You know of Ivah Aldine, yes?"

"I know of Ivah, but her last name is not Aldine, its Moretti." I say correcting her.

"Well, when her mother died, she got placed into the care of her step father and he's recently passed. I'm calling to ask if you'd like to place her in your custody?" The lady asks.

My heart skips a beat. My baby will finally come home.

"Yes! I'll send out a driver to come collect her, where is she?" I say as my voice is bursting with excitement.

"Perfect, she lives in Australia, so you'll have to book her a flight. I'll email you the papers and you can sign them."

"Of course. Do you want me to come get her or can she fly on her own?" I say not knowing because she is only twelve years old.

"I'm sure she will be fine flying on her own, thank you Mr. Moretti for your concern." The lady says as I hear her scribble something down.

"She should arrive by tomorrow morning if you book her a ticket now."

"Right, I'll get on that. Thank you." I say hanging up and quickly logging into my laptop. I quickly scan and read over the document's making sure there legit and sign them. I book her a ticket for New York and gather the boys in the living room.

"Boys, get your asses down here now!" I yell making sure they can hear me. Soon they all come down annoyed.

"Ugh what now Lorenzo, I already finished cleaning my room!" Luca whines laying back on the couch.

The others proceed to sit down as well.

"Are you sure you didn't stuff all your clothes under your bed like last time?" I ask giving him a knowing look. I know that kid did not clean his room and if he did, he didn't do it properly.

"Uh no, I'd never do such a thing!" Luca gasp's putting his hand on his chest dramatically.

I roll my eyes. "Anyways this is not the point, I have important news to tell you all."

They all give me a puzzled look.

"Is this something about work?" Matteo asks.

"Well, we found your sister and she's going to be here tomorrow morning."

They all look stunned.

"And you're letting her come here?" Leo says annoyed.

"What's your problem with her and yes, of course she's coming here this is her home too."

"Does that mean we get to go shopping for room?!" Luca says excitedly.

"I think we should wait for her to pick things out, we don't know what a twelve-year-old likes." I say looking over at Luca. A large frown plasters over his face.

"Oh, come on, Lola! Don't be such a grump! I know what she'd want!" Luca says glaring at me.

I sigh, running my hand threw my hair. He hasn't seen her since she was a month old. "First off, never call me Lola again. I'll let you pick out a few things for her room, but-"

"Great!" Luca says clapping his hands together as he stands up rushing for the front door.

"I'll be back by dinner!" He says grabbing his keys off the hook.

Knowing Luca, he won't buy her just a few things. He'll buy her the whole store.

"Matteo and Xavier, you can make sure all of our guns are put away and the house looks child friendly." I say pointing towards their mess in the kitchen.

Matteo grumbles before getting up and going to the kitchen.

"Why do I have to? Who cares if shit is laying around." He says glaring at me.

"Because she is an innocent child. She doesn't need to know about what we do, and I think if she's a gun as she walks in, she'll be terrified."

"Anything, I can do?" Elijah says as Matteo gets up groaning.

"Elijah and Xavier, you can help tidy up her room."

He agrees before heading up the stairs. Xavier groans before following him up the stairs.

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