Chapter 6 - Blane

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"Did you see the bag in the hallway?" Joseph asked.

"What bag?"

I'd been focusing on Kayden Gilmore's reactions, not his surroundings.

"The duffel bag beside the coffee table. Either Kayden's going to the gym, or he's going on a trip. And Wren said he doesn't go to the gym."

"You asked her that? What, did you think you'd join and accidentally-on-purpose coordinate your workouts with his?"

Joseph's reddening cheeks said that had been precisely his plan. The joys of inhabiting a human body—there was no hiding his true thoughts. In demon form, he was a lot harder to read.

"If you're going to belittle me, I'm going home."

"Home to Las Vegas, or home to Plane Three?"

"Vegas, of course. Who would want to spend longer than five minutes with Decima?"

"I thought you enjoyed torture and bondage and all that shizzle?"

"Not with her." He shuddered. "Do you want my help or not?"

Joseph might have acted annoying at times, but he'd been the only person to volunteer to accompany me when I got exiled to Plane Five, and his loyalty was unquestionable. Plus he had spotted the duffel bag.

"Yes, I want your help." I sighed because humility didn't come naturally to me. Other than the occasional moment of grovelling to my father, I'd never had to apologise for anything in Plane Three. "I'm sorry I belittled you. You really think Kayden's planning to take a trip?"

"Yes, and since he doesn't travel for work, I bet he's going to see Wren, wherever she is."

"He might be going on vacation."

"When his sister's in trouble?"

That was a fair point. "You think we should follow him?" Because that might present a problem. "This car isn't exactly subtle."

Joseph nodded his agreement. "And I bet he noticed when you spent ten minutes trying to park outside his residence, ergo he knows this is your car. One glance in the rear-view mirror, and he'll realise we're behind him."

"Please, spend even more time criticising my driving abilities. Why don't you try doing something constructive?"

"Like what?"

"Like finding us another vehicle?"

"In Mesquite?"

"Well, we don't have time to drive back to Las Vegas, do we?"

"Why can't you find another vehicle?"

"Because...because..." The simple answer would have been that I was the boss and he was born to serve me. In Plane Three, that excuse would have worked, but I'd discovered the power balance wasn't so simple in Plane Five. Freedom was a big deal here. Wars had been fought based on the concept. And much as I hated to admit it, I was grateful that Joseph had accompanied me on my journey. Before Vee came along, he'd been the only soul I could talk to freely. With everyone else, I had to wear a mask. Over the past several years, Joseph had become a friend as well as a servant, and I needed to keep reminding myself of that fact. "Because you're better at procuring chattels than I am. Please would you find us another vehicle?"

That got a smile out of him. "Fine. I'll arrange alternative transportation. You need to move the Bentley somewhere else and watch the house."

I could manage that. If I could find a reasonably empty field or a large grocery store parking lot, I might be able to squeeze the car in with only two or three attempts.

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