Chapter 27: The Tumultuous Science Fair

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Kaiya POV

*nightmare begins*

"Yusaku-san, Yukiko-san, I'm home!" I called as I entered the house. "Hmm they're not here?" I glanced around to see the lights turned off. I gasped in surprise as the door suddenly locked behind me. I slowly backed in fear when I saw Gin's silhouette, only to crash into Vodka. "Let me go!" I shouted as Vodka gripped my wrists.

"Kaiya Matsuki..." Gin had a chokehold against me and threw me against the wall. "The one who escaped from Project Overworld. The particle accelerator seems to have worked and transported you here."

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." I managed to choke out. Shoot, how did they find out!

Gin growled and pointed his gun at me, but we were interrupted by the sound of keys jingling. My heart nearly stopped when I heard familiar voices.

"Ne, Yu-chan, won't Kaiya be surprised by the new mystery book we got her?" I heard Yukiko exclaim.

"Well I picked it out, so of course it will be good." Yusaku laughed.

"That's right, it's the new book in the series right?" Agasa said.

"But I wanted to read it first..." I heard Conan mumble.

"Can we come inside too Conan-kun?" the voices of the detective boys were in the background as well.

Gin clamped a hand over my mouth and I could only watch in fear as the door slowly opened and Gin trained a gun towards the door.

I struggled violently against his grip, tears spilling out of my eyes. Nooooo!

*nightmare ends*


I woke up with a start, my heart still pounding. I wiped the sweat from my forehead in relief when I realized I was on the sofa in Agasa's house. Phew, it was just a nightmare.

"Are you alright?" Agasa asked me and I nodded.

"I just had a nightmare." I rubbed my eyes sleepily.

"Let me guess, you fell asleep on the sofa because you pulled another all nighter working on your science project?" Haibara handed me a cup of steaming coffee.

"Yeah I guess so. I wanted to double check all the analysis." I replied sheepishly and stifled a yawn. "But you're one to talk, Ai-chan." I teased. "You stay up late all the time too."


Karasuna POV

"Sir!" my attendant exclaimed worriedly as I broke into another violent fit of coughs.

"I need my old body back. We need to restart the Apotoxin project again." I growled. My body has now become so frail, how am I supposed to keep my power like this if I'm bedridden?

"But sir, the project failed to ..." my attendant piped up.

"No excuses! " I interrupted him with a bang on the bed stand. "Order Rum to recruit new scientists."


Kaiya POV

"Alright one more time Kaiya-chan." Haibara ordered. I sighed. She made me practice nonstop for the science fair presentation. I was so lucky to ask for her guidance since she truly was a genius, but she can be really harsh sometimes.

"Eh? We did it the whole morning though." I grumbled.

"Practice makes perfect!" Haibara scolded. "Besides, didn't you say you wanted to win the school science fair?"

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