Their Feelings

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Dazai's Pov:
Man... Y/n is so cool.

I've been hanging out with them so much lately.

I keep spacing out and thinking about nothing but them, like what i' doing that this exact moment.

"Hey Dazai get back to work" Kunikida interrupted my thoughts like usual.

"You seem to be spacing out a lot lately Dazai" Yosano said, "Thinking about a certain someone?" she asked with a smug smile.

"Oh it's nothing" i said actually doing my work. Feeling something weird in my stomach, I only feel this when i'm with or thinking about Y/n.

"It's probably Y/n he's thinking about" Atsushi said coming out of literally nowhere.

"You know Y/n????" i asked confused. I've never mentioned them here.

"Oh yea, We met at a nearby cafe" he said.

"Ooooo Dazai has a crusshhh" Kenji said budging in the conversation. 

"We're just friends ok" i said going back to work, that surprisingly got them to shut up for a bit.

But yea i admit it.

I like Y/n.

Chuuya's Pov:

Well isn't life just fun.

Over the last few weeks i've developed feeling for Y/n, Yes i can admit it.

At first i denied it and didn't want to believe i did. I asked Mori but it was obviously useless since he likes 12 year olds.

I'm drowning my feelings in wine like usual hoping this will help.

Oh Y/n,You'll never believe how special you've became to me.

Atsushi's Pov:

"Hey Dazai, Y/n coming today?" i asked honestly excited, i love seeing Y/n.

"Yea" He gives me a smug look. "You like them?"

I wont admit it but yea i do, considering Dazai is their brother....Yea i'm not telling him. "No, i just enjoy havinf their presence around the work place."

"Whatever you say Lover boy, but just know" he grabs my shoulder giving me a serious face, "If you ever hurt them I.Will.End.You." He said in the scariest serious tone. "Oh look Y/n!" he said letting go and changing his expression.

What just happened...

Ranpo's Pov:
Can't wait to see Y/n again, They're my favorite person!

I love being around them,and all the candy.

I talk about them to Yosano and she thinks i like them, honestly i'm not sure though. I wouldn't mind dating them and they do make me feel some sort of way but that's just cause we're very good friends.

I walk through the shops store to see them standing their as usual, that feeling coming back in my stomach, my face going pink.

"N/n!" i said walking up to them.

Nevermind Yosano was right.

I like Y/n.


I'm trying my best to keep it as similar as the original and sorry its a little short tbh.

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