TJTBP - Chapter 7.

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Update on Ninja Kitteh!

We found her a home. :D

Which means more writing. :)



Chapter 7.

I was getting weaker by the second. Even Mikey and them were starting to notice.

Chemo was coming more and more often, because the doctors and nurses had noticed a decrease in my health. Drastically.

I didn't have a single hair left on my body. My hands were starting to shake. I was going to die. Why didn't they just give up?

Frank was finally up and and around even though all the boys lived in my room. I was asleep more and more often, trying to give the guys a chance to go on without me. They seemed to be succeeding; I often found them talking when I woke up.

I didn't know whether or not to be happy about that.

I was about to shut my eyes and fall asleep when Frank busted into the room, tossing a magazine on my lap. It was People. "Frank, you know I don't read this bullshit."

"You will if we're in it," he said, looking concerned. I quickly flipped through the pages until I landed on the photo where we were covered in blood, everybody else covering up their face, hands covered in blood. I was the only face you could see. The title: Is My Chem going downhill?

I read it out loud. "My Chemical Romance, the punky, emo band, may be going downhill. Guitarist of the band, Ray Toro, released that the frontman, Gerard Way, has been diagnosed with Leukemia after his battle when he was 7, and may not make it. Toro refuses any other words on the subject. It was then reported that rythym guitarist, Frank Iero, collapsed after an attempt to drink himself to death. Police investigated and talked it over with Iero. He released it was an act of the Leukemia-diagnosed frontman that caused him. Will this be the end of My Chem?"

Frank looked scared. I was mad. How could he tell people? Him and Toro were going down. I threw the magazine, aiming for the wall, but it landed pathetically on the chair at the front of my bed; Toro's chair.

"If I wasn't about to die, I'd kick your ass," I growled at Frank. He backed away slowly into the corner. "Hey, man, the truth slips sometimes. Get over it."

"Get over it?! GET OVER IT?!" I threw myself out of bed, ripped the IV out of my arm, and threw a punch. It hit Frank right in the nose. He flew back into the wall. I noticed blood trickling down from his nose. He growled and pushed me back.

I flew right into the monitors. I hit the heart rate one with my head, and my vision was blurry. Crap. Hit a nerve.

Mikey walked in and noticed me slumping and hitting myself in the head to try and bring my vision back. He also looked at Frank, who was trying to stop his bloody nose. Mikey helped me up first and put me back in bed. "Nurse!" he shouted.

Immediately the nurse came in. Mikey pointed to the IV I had ripped out. She groaned and put it back in. I thanked her and leaned back. I didn't feel very good.

"Dude you looked green," Frank commented, muffled by the tissues on his nose.

"Shut up, Frank," I growled.

"Whatever man."  He walked out and Mikey grabbed my hand. "No need to be so harsh."

"He smashed my head into the monitor!"

"On accident." Mikey had a point. He did push me, but he also didn't mean to make me hit the monitor.

I felt my chest tighten up, but I ignored it. "Bring him back in here. I need to apologize." Mikey looked troubled. "Please, Mikey."

"Fine." He left. I rehearsed what I was going to say. My chest felt wierd...

I was about to call in the nurse when I couldn't breathe at all. The oxygen to my lungs was cut off, gone. Mikey came in with Frank and saw me struggling. "NURSE!" he screamed.


You hate me.

You can't not.

I mean honestly.

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