Chapter 33: A dream? How disappointing.

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I opened my eyes and the galloping sound I heard made me realize I was inside a carriage with Grace looking at me at the opposite seat.

“Do you feel uncomfortable, young miss?” She asked.

It was... a dream.

How disappointing. I was really looking forward to it whether the world will be slowly destroyed or just not. 

Of course it has to be a dream. Just for a few hours then suddenly the body turned into a skeleton? Dumbass.

I know it was a dream. Me? Scared? Why would I tremble in fear when this isn't my original body to begin with? I'm not even scared if I'll kill Grace right now.

Where are we headed to, Grace?”

“To the house of your fiancé, The House Of Bourghess.” She responded majestically.

“What? Why their house? I don't like those lunatics.”

“I was instructed by your mother, young miss.”

Tsk. So this is what she was talking about that time. I couldn't care less so I didn't listen to her. If I knew that could lead to this, I should have listened to that noisy saliva splattering parents of mine.

“Could it be that the young miss didn't see the logo of the carriage?”

I move both of the index fingers and point it to my head as I smile cutely.

“Does this face look like it cares..?”

Grace was dumbfounded and struggled.

“N-No, young miss.”

“Okay. Then it is settled. Tell the person who handles this carriage to go directly to my household.” I declared.

“I cannot do that young miss. Your mother told me this and the one who handled it was also a servant of house Bourghess.”

The crimson on my eyes glistened as I glared at her fiercely and in furry.


Without replying back, she did what I commanded. She knocked her hand on the back of her, to the transparent glass to where a man was sitting. She then started to communicate via hand signals to the coachman. 

I know it, she couldn't refuse my command because of the contract I made with her.

But still with that, Grace returned to me with an unfulfilled face then shook her head.

“That cannot be done, young miss. The coachman refused.” She bitterly said.

“I see.” I replied as I swallowed my dry saliva. “Let's kill that coachman.”

“I would like to help you, young miss. But unfortunately, we already arrived at the Bourghess estate. A few minutes, we'll arrive at the mansion.”

To my surprise, I stood up from the seat.

“What? That's fast!”

“No, young miss. You were sleeping for about two hours and minutes. Of course we'll arrive in no time at their mansion in that given time.”


When did I fall asleep anyways?

Right. The moment I sat inside this carriage made me feel very comfortable. It must be because of that.

“I will fix your face, young miss.” Grace said grabbing one of the luggage then opened it.

“Yeah, sure.”

Grace then moved close to my seat and began to set my hair. Later, she cleaned my face and fixed my hair.

While she was doing that, my mind was wandering elsewhere. 

‘Will that yellow haired kid die?’ I thought but I already know the answer. Perhaps I was just hoping that he'll die.

But no, of course not. Kyle must have visited the temple with the Royal Shits and he got lost because he's dumb as fuck. His brain must be the same size as a pea.

“Miss, please stop giggling.” Grace exploded. She got annoyed because she couldn't fix my hair due to the movement of the carriage plus my giggles.

Then, Kyle met some bullies that tied him up to the tree.... No. I think not.

It's not the bullies but those step siblings of him. But either way, thanks to them. I hope they're going to poison him.

.... That's too bad. Am I being a psychopath? Well, who cares, they don't have a real life either. This world is a work of fiction and so are the characters including me.

If the world won't be destroyed if Kyle died, of course I'll kill the female lead next. If not, then I'll jump.

I wonder how many storeys of building I'll be jumping off towards the ground? Surely my world will be destroyed.

“Ouch Grace! That hurts you dimwit!” I shouted. Grace suddenly grabbed my hair forcefully.

“We have arrived young miss.”

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