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The music was loud.

Not so loud that the neighbours would call the police with a noise complaint, but loud enough that my ears were already hurting.

Teenagers littered the household, drinking, dancing and conversing loudly over whatever electronic music was playing through the speakers.

"I wonder if the crew is here?" Cody spoke loudly over the music and into my ear.

I just shrugged my shoulders, looking around to see if Mitchell was anywhere to be seen. He'd left our house hours ago, probably to help his friend Diego set up the party.

"Dallas?" A familiar voice called.

I searched with squinted eyes for the source. It was Alicia, the latest member of our friend group. Cody and I didn't really like her, but since she was dating Jake, one of our best friends, we decided to, at the very least, pretend to be nice to her.

"It's been awhile!" She pulled me into a hug. Her voice was shrilling, and insincere.

"It's only been a day." I corrected, faking a smile.

"Codyyyyy!" She pulled him into a tight hug. "Oh M Gee, you smell like cotton candy!"

And you smell drunk. I thought to myself. She was correct though, whatever cologne Cody had chosen to spritz on himself, smelled exactly like cotton candy.

It kind of made me hungry.

"Great to see you guys, let's do this again sometime." She turned on her heels and click-clacked away.

It's hard pretending to not dislike her.

"Let's go get a drink." Cody nudged my shoulder. We walked through the dining area, which was overflowing with people, and started straight towards the kitchen counter where all the different varieties of alcohol were scattered across the countertop.
Vodka, Tequila, Bourbon, if you can name it, it would probably be here.

I reached for an unused plastic cup, proceeding to pour myself a cup of vodka and lemon soda. Cody poured tequila into his and downed it without hesitation before pouring himself another drink. This time, he poured tequila and mixed it with orange juice.

Out of all the alcohol, Tequila was my worst enemy.

"Down it!" He encouraged, pointing to my cup.

After a few seconds of psyching myself up, I downed the drink with a few big gulps. The strong taste of vodka burned my throat. I almost wanted to throw it back up.

"Little Cooper?" Grayson's voice called from behind me.

I paused, looking up at Cody who was downing his own drink. I hesitantly turned around.

"What are you doing here?" He asked with furrowed brows.

I inclined my head to the now empty cup in my hand. "Drinking."

"Does your brother know you're here?" His head fell slightly to the side as he looked up at me.

"It's none of his business." I said, leaning over to the counter to pour another drink. I took a big swig, swallowing it instantly.

"Maybe you should slow down." Grayson suggested.

"Maybe you should shut up." I plastered on a smile.

"Yeah, shut up Scott!" Cody seethed from beside me.

Cody didn't like Grayson either, which was understandable, he's an unlikable guy. Grayson once hooked up with Cody's sister, then never bothered to talk to her again. And Cody has hated him since.

Hating Grayson ✓Where stories live. Discover now