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ashtrays head was laid on lianis shoulder, they both were half asleep but jumped up at the sound of pounding on the door. ashtray quickly looked behind him, seeing fezcos heading for the door and opening it before voices were heard, but neither could make out what voices since they were far away.

"go ahead." they heard fezcos say, before rue came in view holding her stomach and heading for the hallway.

"where is you coming from?" fezco asked her, getting no response. "yo, you alright in there?"

"stop fucking— i'm shitting my brains out, please go away." rue shouted.

"you want some Pepto-Bismol or somethin-"

"no, no. fuck, go away."

liani chuckled, laying her head on the back of the couch.

"alright, alright." fezco spoke, coming to sit on the couch while he waited for rue to come out of the bathroom.

a little while passed, liani heard the toilet flush and was confused when rue still didn't come in the living room. she turned her head to fez, who was already eyeing the hallway. he glanced at her for a second, before standing up and heading for the hallway.

"get the fuck- get your fucking hands off of me!" ashtray completely sat up at the sound of a bang, and he looked towards the hallway.

him and liani both heard yelling between fezco and rue, which was never something that happened so they were confused as to what was happening, but neither got up.

"i'm sorry, i'm sorry!" rue pleaded, coming into ashtray and lianis view with fezco dragging her in ashtrays room and to the back door.

"nah, you gotta get the fuck outta the house now." fezco told her.

hearing the door slam, ashtray turned to liani while shaking his head. ashtray hoped liani wouldn't end up like rue.

liani could tell why ashtray was looking at her like he was, and turned back straight. she knew she'd never let herself get that bad.

liani was sitting on her couch, a bag of hot cheetos next to her as she watched bad girls club

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liani was sitting on her couch, a bag of hot cheetos next to her as she watched bad girls club. her eyes traveled from the television to the table in front of her, seeing a folded up paper. she sat up, grabbing the paper and unfolding it to see what it was.

her eyes scanned through the words written on it, her eyes narrowing as she realized her mom had wrote it before she left.


happy early birthday baby.
i'm sorry i left again, i know i told you i wanted to her better and be an actual mother to you, and i do. it's just going to take time.
i don't except you to wait on me, i don't want you to. i don't know if i will get better, and you're doing fine without me.
i want you to promise me that you won't ever end up like me.
after you came home that one night, you reminded me a lot of me. you need to get better, and do good things for yourself. i don't want you to keep going down the path you are, i don't want you to end up like me.
keep that boyfriend of yours, he makes you happy.
i don't know when i'll be home again, i left to meet someone and see if they'd help me out.
have a fun birthday, i love you.

liani wondered how she hadn't seen the letter before. she read over the letter a few times, before crumbling it up with a sigh. she didn't believe her mother was going to her better, she didn't believe that she wanted to. maybe she actually did want to have a better relationship with liani, but her mom enjoyed drinking and being high, just like liani did. but liani was only now realizing that this isn't what she wanted. she didn't want people to constantly worry about her, telling her that it was best if she stayed sober. yeah, liani enjoyed drinking and getting high, it made her feel alive. but she hated the feeling of knowing it wasn't good for her, knowing if she continued she would probably end up kipling herself.

if liani was being honest, she believed she had nothing to live for. she knew she had juliet, but juliet also knew who liani was, she knew liani didn't care for herself or what she got herself into.

before liani had gotten together with ashtray, it was only juliet who really made sure she was okay all of the time, in lianis eyes, anyway.

ashtray always checked up on liani, watched her at the party's she would go to, and he was there with her. he cared about her, he loved her, he'd do anything for her.

now, liani knew she had something to live for. not only her best friend, but the guy she was in love with.

for the two of them, she wanted to stay sober. she wanted to get better, for them. she knew it would take time, but maybe if she actually tried this time, it could happen.

liani grabbed her phone that was sat beside her, pressing on ashtrays contact and face timing him. she listened to it ring, before his fave popped up on the screen showing him laying down on his bed, his back against his headboard.

"hey." liani smiled.

"hey, ma." ashtray responded, blowing out the smoke form the blunt he was smoking into the camera.

she looked at him through the phone for a couple seconds, before laying her head back and moving her phone with her. "i'm gonna stay sober."


the rise of liani

y'all i didn't realize i was at 40 chargers already
this is ending soon
so scary

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