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Three Months Later

Three months of research and questioning nurses will finally pay off in 10 minutes. I gathered enough evidence to prove the doctor had not only taken my child and turned them into the authorities as an abandoned child but had done it to many women before me. So any women willing to anonymously share their stores and some willing to put their faces to the names. I had not only convinced ten other patients of his to come forward but also convinced the nurse on duty to meet with me and give me her statement on the record.

9 minutes.

After this, the plan is to go to the authorities. Unfortunately, I couldn't find proof that Mrs. Turner was involved, but I would have to leave that to the detectives.

8 Minutes.

I had thought of telling Markus and showing them the evidence, but who knows what Markus would say? Our relationship has been going so well lately. We have been more open with each other and more intimate. We even decided to move my things into his room.

7 Minutes.

On the other hand, Dee would be down to help me with all of this, but I'm not sure why I haven't told her. She's been so busy lately with her own life; maybe a part of me doesn't want it all to be about me. Since Markus and the baby, she has been focused on me and my problems. The last thing she needs right now is a distraction.

6 Minutes.

I finally ordered a coffee not to look strange sitting in a coffee shop with just files and no coffee. I was able to get the records from the nurse about that day. The paperwork says that I went in from a fall down the stairs. Nothing weird about that, but it does say I was pregnant, but there were no other mentions of how the baby was or what happened to the baby on the discharge paperwork or anywhere else in the file.

5 Minutes.

Not only this but seemingly separate, a baby was found premature. Determined to me precisely the same months old and sex of my baby was 'found' in the hospitals by my exact doctor. Based on the anonymous statement from the nurse who was with me for the entirety of my surgery, the need for an emergency C-section was dire. After this, she never saw the baby again and was told it had died minutes after being born.

4 Minutes.

I also found evidence of a baby being treated at a neighboring hospital with identical sex and age brought in by a social worker. The baby was treated there until she was healthy enough to be adopted, which she was.

3 Minutes.

Maybe her family is caring and kind. Maybe they treat her well and can give her a less complicated life with a grandmother who won't hate her. However, I need to know, and I deserve to know. So does Markus. He needs to know what his mother did to us. Not until I have all the evidence.

2 Minutes.

Now watching the door. I remember the nurse and what she looked like. I had a mixture of excitement and dread. What if she changed her mind? Would she send a message to let me know? My whole theory would fall apart if she didn't give her statement. Mrs. Turner would get away with it, although the doctor may still be investigated.

1 Minute.

This needs to go as planned. I continue to watch the door and count down the seconds. Finally, I see someone I recognize, but my heart sinks to my stomach, and I can't speak as they walk towards my table and takes a seat.

"How could you think I wouldn't hear about your secret meeting? Did you think I didn't have people higher up in the hospital in my pockets, Hon?" Mrs. Turner said as she waved over a barista and ordered herself a coffee. She reached for my files, and I let her take them. I watched as she flipped through them, and a sly smirk began to form on her face.

"What an interesting investigation you've formed here. This only proves the doctor had something to do with it."

"I remember the fall. I remember you pushing me." I said with a lump in my throat.

"Then you also remember my offer to you." She leaned in closer "If only you had taken my offer, your baby would be with you. None of this would have happened. If you think about's all your fault. I would have never had to bribe that doctor if you had taken my offer seriously. That money could have helped you build a life for yourself and that child, but you wanted to be stubborn and now look what's happened. Because of you."

She straightened in her chair as her coffee came to the table. The barista glanced sympathetically at my tear-filled face and walked away.

She wasn't wrong. I should have taken her offer. This is my fault. Markus would never see his kid because of me.

"Well, Here's your next chance," She shoved a piece of paper across the table, "Take it and go. I don't care where you go, and stop asking questions you can't answer."

It was a check. A check for the same amount she'd offered in the first place.

Without saying a word, she stood and walked out. Taking my file and her coffee with her.

I suppose this would be the end of it...if I hadn't started the recorder as soon as she walked in. I reversed the tape and pushed play. I listened to it until the moment she stood and walked away. I'd gotten all of what she said. She'd even admitted to pushing me down the stairs.


At home, I went to my old room where I'd kept the evidence hidden. I managed to keep a copy of the evidence in the room. It was time to add the recording. Some of me felt I wouldn't last long after she took the file. Part of me knew she might confront Markus with it to make me seem irrational and obsessive, and crazy. This could make him angry at me for trying to frame this on his mother when it was all 'just an accident.' Perhaps if she could get rid of my baby, she would have people in her pocket to get rid of people. Although if she gave me the check, why would she pay someone to kill me afterward?

After placing the evidence in an envelope, I mailed it to my lawyer. This lawyer was in charge of my will; having one was Markus' idea. He said if I am going to be a part of his life, I will be in his will, and I should also have one. I instructed that Dee should receive this in case I die within a year. If not, then it should be sent back to me.

I'll let her think she won for now. The end goal is to stay with Markus.

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