Chapter Two: Stalker

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Once I was done unpacking and organizing my clothes and toiletries I head back downstairs and pick up Pat from the floor and hook him up to his harness and leash.

Austin said I should take him out for a walk for at least twenty or thirty minutes. The only thing he wasn't clear about was where, so I will just walk Pat through the neighborhood in between the time he gave.

Twenty-five minutes should be long enough.

"Come on Pat let's go for a walk." I head out of the house with Pat's little legs jogging along behind and we walk down the street together.

My phone vibrates and I pull it out of the back pocket of my purse to see a text message from my bestie Lottie telling me to call her.

I press the call button on my screen and on the first ring she answers.

"Girl guess what—I found the perfect guy as your date for this weekend party!" Lottie blurt out before I could even respond.

I frown and speak. "Lottie you shouldn't have I've told you I can't go dad won't allow me to go to any party with a lot of boys, and besides I'm dog-sitting for my neighbor the whole week."

She gasps loudly over the call. "You mean the tall sexy Austin? That neighbor!"

"Lottie that's my dad's best friend?!" My crush, back off!

"Come on you gotta admit he's pretty hot and I believe he's more experienced with the ladies than the guys from our school."

"Don't say that age has nothing to do with experience," I told with much seriousness.

And I'd appreciate it if bad thoughts were to stay out of my imagination. I don't know what I'd do if that were to happen, especially when I have to face him tomorrow morning.

"You serious girl? You want to deny the fact that Austin the hottest man in town hadn't slept with a woman?" She let out a laugh.

"I don't believe he's a virgin ok, I'm saying just because he's thirty-nine does not mean he slept around with women."

She hummed for a second as if in thought then not long after she responds. "Is something wrong why does it seem like you're defending his body count? Is it because you hadn't lost your virginity yet?"

I took in a deep breath trying to calm myself. I can't let her know about the feelings I have for him it would only upset her if she knew.

"Angel you know BFFs tell each other everything and don't hide secrets from one another, tell me what's going on." Her voice was much calmer now than before.

"I'm quite busy right now could I call you back later sometime tonight then maybe we can talk about it?"

Without a word, she hung up.

I'm sorry Lottie I can't tell you, dad, or even Austin about my feelings only a clueless puppy.

"Come on Pat sorry for the short walk let's head home."


I shut the door and unhook the harness from Pat then let him run around to play with his toys.

It's a lot more boring than I'd expected. With no human interaction, there's nothing to do, dad may be just next door but he wouldn't visit because of the dog and I just can't leave Pat here all by himself.

If only Austin were here it would feel much more like a home and less empty.

I go and lay down on the couch and rest my eyes for a few minutes.

A couple of hours pass and I wake up from a loud constant bark.

I sit up slowly and get up and tiptoe to the door. I look at pat who's still barking.

"Pat be quiet!" I told him in a stern whisper, but he didn't listen and just continued barking.

Beginning to feel worried I peek an eye through the peephole and notice a young man who had to be close around my age. But I've never seen him not even at school.

"Hey, I know your in there come on out."

Stalker?! How does he know there's someone here when there's no car in the driveway?

I hurry to my purse and pull out my phone and notice it's two o'clock, I've slept longer than I planned and dad was now at work, But that wasn't anything to worry about now there's a creep at Austin's front door.

I quickly press the first name I see in my contact and put the phone up to my ear as it rang over and over again until on the third ring the other line picked up the call.

"Anny, what's going on are you okay?"

"Pats fine but-"

"No, I didn't ask about Pat I'm asking about you your voice is shaking, what's going on why didn't you call your dad?" Austin cut my voice short.

Why was he caring for me isn't he worried about his dog? Couldn't he at least think that the reason why my voice sounds shaky is because of Pat?

What if he had gotten hit would he still care to ask if I'm okay?

"There's someone here knocking on the door I don't know who it is, he looks to be around my age and he seems to know that I'm here, the knocking is causing Pat to bark."

He signs loudly into the phone speaker and silence stands between us for what feels like a minute.

"Take Pat upstairs into my bedroom and put him in the kennel." He finally responds.

"Do you know who he is?" I ask suddenly confused and carry Pat upstairs to the bedroom.

"No, but it's not the first time he's approached my house uninvited and it's starting to make me very angry." He then mumbles inaudible words making it hard to understand over the phone. "It's the weekend tomorrow so I'm off until Monday you can head back home if you want tomorrow morning or you can stay, I don't think your dad cares what you choose."

"What about you your choices matter, is it ok if I stay through the weekend at your place?" I put Pat in his kennel and locked the gate and sat on Austin's bed through another silence that was between us and this time it was much longer and more brutal to the heart.

So brutal my chest hurt. He didn't want me to stay.

Could he not put up with me for two whole days?

Couldn't he at least say something instead of torturing me with complete silence?

"Austin, say something so I can make up my mind," I told feeling hurt more by the minute.

"I don't mind you can stay over for the weekend as well—just stay out of trouble or your dad will kill me if anything happens to you."

I laugh at the sudden change of seriousness in his voice when he brings up my dad.

"Have you eaten anything yet?" He asked and I could tell he said it behind a smile.

"No, not yet but now that you mention food I feel quite hungry."

Pregnant By Dad's Best Friend #1Where stories live. Discover now