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Boss Bitch

,,I'll see you at the match on Sunday? That's all he said ?", Carla asked, sitting on the carpet of her room.

,,That's all he said"

I flopped down on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

,,Can I come?"

I sat back up to look at her.

,,Absolutely not!"

Carla made a baby face, pouting her lips.

,,I just wanna meet Havertz", she wailed, making me laugh.

,,Kai Havertz? Oh please, let the poor man live. If he ever talked to you he'd voluntarily quit football"

Insulted, she grabbed one of her crocs and threw it after me.

,,No man would ever quit his passion for a woman"


In my 4 years of being a football and sport events journalist, I had never heard of a big football player, quitting for the person they loved.

Some retired after their whole career had already ended anyway, but no one who was just in his prime time, gave up sports for their woman.

But I admired them.
I always wanted to do something that I would be so passionate about, that I would never give it up. Not even for the person I loved most.

Sadly I never got there.
Instead I do everything people ask me to do. For the right reasons only of course.

,,I guess that's right"

She scoffed jokingly.

,,Yeah I know, I'm always right"

Her attitude made me laugh.

,,So do you think he'll talk to you on sunday?", Carla asked getting up from the ground.

I shrugged my shoulders.

,,No idea. But it sounded as if he was betting on seeing me there, so I don't think he just wants me there as decoration"

,,But I don't think I'm gonna go", I sighed and stood up to get to the fridge, since I haven't been eating all day.

,,What?" , My sister shrieked, rushing in front of me.

,,Why not ?", she pierced me with her eyes. The way Pablo Gavi did when I first met him in front of the dressing room.

,,I don't think my chef is gonna allow me to report about that game. Since Barcelona lost, they aren't interesting anymore. And also Chelsea vs Barcelona? Not interesting at all"

She pressed a finger on her chin again, thinking about what I said.

,,Well I guess the only way is to try and convince ur chef"

Without saying anything else, she grabbed her jacket from the chair and walked to the door.

She turned around.

,,What are you waiting for? Hurry up", she clapped in her hands and threw me my cape.

I rolled my eyes.
I never agreed with her methods. She would probably do something incredibly embarrassing to get what she wants from my chef.
And I could never show my face again in his company.

But keeping her from doing what she wants would probably cause much more problems.

So I just decided to live with whatever was gonna happen.


With her chin up and a big grin on her face, she walked out of my chef's office.

Dear lord.

,, what did you do?" , I asked her suspiciously.

Silently her smirk grew.

Please, no.


,,Tell me what you did" , I commanded and she sighed.

,,Don't be so stuffily all the time"

,,I just provided a little motivation in the right direction", Carla shrugged her shoulders, as if it was nothing.

,,You blackmailed him??", I hissed, startled.

She threw me a disappointing look.

,,What? Nooo"

,,Don't make me seem worse than I am"

Irritated I glanced at her.

,,You once slapped my date because he didn't hold the door for me", I reminded her.

She laughed.

,,Its basic manners!"

,,And no I didn't blackmail your boss. I offered him a date", she explained folding her hands.

I stared at her in shock.

,,That's worse!" , I snapped at her.

,,Don't be ridiculous, you should thank me. Now you're free to report at any game you'd like", she argued and winked at me.

I huffed.

,,Fine", I gave up and straightened my back.

,,Thank you -"
,,partly", I added.

She laid a hand on my shoulder.

,,No problem"

She walked past me, out of the big building where I worked.

This was gonna get interesting.

704 Words

< next chapter w gavi! coming today >

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