Egg Tomato Noodles

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"You won uncle. I don't have words to refute you" said Amy bit speechlessly.

"Hmm" said Ethan and held Amy's hand. 'Hmm, My sunshine is so obedient. I won't let any random man abduct her. He should be at least as capable as me or else Humph!! He can only dream about her.' thought Ethan.

If Amy would have heard his thoughts she would be speechless again and would have thought 'Uncle, Are you planning to keep me single for the rest of my life.'

After walking for like 10 mins they came to isolated place. Amy took car from her space and everyone decided to find place to rest for tonight.

In the car.

'It would be great if I would be able to modify this car. Even though all of us can sit in the car but it's not spacious and they always have to search for a place to rest.' thought amy.

Suddenly Amy felt some fluctuations in her space. She decided to check it once they found place to rest.

Amy yawned.

"Sleepy??" Asked Ethan.

Amy looked beside her and nodded.

Ethan patted his shoulder and said "Sleep."

"Ahh, no, no uncle I will rest my head back on the seat, your shoulder will ache otherwise."

Ethan didn't say anything and just placed her head on his shoulder. "Sleep"

Amy was a little helpless but she didn't refute him back and slept.

Liam who was driving car heard the conversation and was bit jealous. She was his sister but why was this Ethan more close to her than him. Also Ethan forced him to drive the car and himself sat beside Amy. 'Angry, I am so angry' thought Liam furiously.

Shawn was also looking enviously at Ethan.

Leo wanted to tease Ethan but he met Ethan's cold gaze and shut his mouth immediately.

Evan, Levi, Sam who were getting quite used to Ethan's new personality were little shocked. This king of hell who won't let anyone even touch his finger was inviting someone to use his shoulder as a pillow. Is this a joke??!!!

'Is this even an earth?? Or are we in a parallel universe??' thought Levi

While everyone was shocked and envious, Ethan was like a proud peacock taking their envious and shocked gazes and feeling happy. 'My sunshine chose to sleep on my shoulder instead of her brothers, indeed she trust me the most.' He completely overlooked the fact that he had forced her to sleep on his shoulder.

After around 30 to 40 minutes Amy woke up. She found that they are still in the car.

"Hmm, still not found a place to rest" said Amy in hoarse voice.

Ethan was bit startled as she almost spoke near his ears. His body stiffen.

"No, almost everywhere there are zombies and people running. We haven't found any suitable place yet" said Liam who was driving a car.

"I see" said Amy as she raised her heard from Ethan's shoulder. Her neck was little stiff due to sitting in one posture for long period of time.

"Let's go to gas station then. We can refill the gas tanks that are empty" said Amy.

"Hmm, let's go" said Ethan with bit stiff tone.

They reached near gas station and saw some people there. Amy decided to keep Army bags outside with some supplies in it. If they want to cook then they have to show that they have some supplies or someone may get suspicious.

Amy has already put the car in the space before reaching the gas station. As soon as they entered they got jealous, envious and infatuated gazes from crowd.

Amy and her team simply ignored everyone and decided to rest little. The gas station was big and spacious so they went to other side of station where they was less crowd and chose to rest.

After few minutes Amy saw everyone from her team looking at her expectantly.

"Hungry??" Asked Amy.

"Yes, very very hungry. Please cook something delicious" said Leo with eyes full of expectations.

"Okay" said Amy as she took some firewood from her army bagpack.

"I will lit the fire" said Ethan patiently.

Amy nodded and stated taking out ingredients to use.

After Ethan was done Amy took wok from her bagpack and placed it on lit firewood. She added oil in the wok and rotated the walk to let oil spread everywhere then she added garlic and mushroom to stir fry until they were so fragrant that amy also couldn't help but gulp. she looked up and saw her team and other people in distant were glancing at them and gulping hard but didn't dare to come forward.

Then Amy added tomato and 1 cup of water, seasoned it with salt and pepper. She started stirring the mixture and cooked until tomato were soften. Then Amy took some eggs and beaten then and added pinch of salt in it before pouring the mixture in wok. She waited for a few seconds to let the egg solidify a bit and then stirred the egg and tomato mixture

She took some cornflour and dissolved it in walked and poured the mixture in tomato and egg mixture. She stirred it well till everything got mix properly.

She had already boiled the noodles, so she just added noodles in tomato and egg mixture. Then she added some spices and sauce, gave it a stir and let it cooked for some time. She garnished it with some green onion and served it in big bowls for 8 of them.

Once she was done she heard many gulping sound. Even her own stomach couldn't help but protest.

"Alright it's done. Let's eat" said Amy and took some snacks which can go well with bowl of egg tomato noodles.

Without waiting for even one more second everyone started digging in there food. Bowl of noodles was what they need the most now. It warmed there body in the cold weather.

Finally they finished eating. Amy used disposable bowls as it was convenient. 

"Humph!! What a waste." snorted someone who was at the distant.

Amy chose to ignore as she was not in the mood quarrel.

Once they were done. Someone approached them. "Um, Excuse me" said the man who approached them bit hesitantly

"Speak" said Ethan coldly.

A man who was standing could feel great pressure above him. He suddenly felt surrounding turn cold but he braced himself and asked. "That...if possible, you can join our team. We are 10 people. If you form team with us we can also share our supplies with you." Said man.

Ethan didn't say anything he just looked back at his teammates and then again turned his face towards the man. "Not interested." Said Ethan imposingly.

Man pursed his lips. "Just give it a thought. If we can go in big groups then we will be more safe" said the man.

Amy laughed at his words coldly. "It would be quite opposite" said Amy sarcastically.

Man frowned. He looked at Amy with unfriendly and impatient gaze. "I wasn't talking to you miss, please don't interfere. We are having some serious talk here don't be childish" said man harshly.

Ethan's eyes turned cold. "One more word, You are dead" said Ethan dangerously. He said a sentence patiently but his tone was too commanding that one would clearly hear warning in his words.

The man's pupil shrank as he felt infinite pressure over him. It was so imposing that he broke out in cold sweat.

The man took some steps back his breath tightened as he looked at Ethan. 'Strong, He is astonishingly strong.' thought a man.

But he was also dissatisfied with Ethan's answer. "Don't regret it later. Women's will only drag you down." Said man and quickly fled from there.

"Calling me a coward when he is running like a scaredy cat" Amy said coldly.

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