Chapter 54

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Cheers and hollers sound from below and I look over to see a large crowd gathered at the starting point of the tracks.

I like it up here. The platform is high enough above them that you can see everything. The sidelines, the winding tracks, the small huddles of people at the edges of the area.

I think that's probably why Lucas likes it here so much as well. It gives him access to everything. He can see all that's going on. He's in control up here.

It seems like a race has just finished and suddenly, everyone is calling out a name.


I glance at him over my shoulder and see him noticing it too. Although, he doesn't really look that fazed or surprised. It like he's used to it. Ready for it.

He stands and then the boys begin to chant his name too.

"Break a leg, fucker!" Oakley and Angel shout after him as he descends the stairs. Oakley reminds me a lot of Angel. They're like different versions of the same person.

I feel the vibrations of Lucas's chuckle and turn my head to him.

He's got a smile on his face, laughing at his friends' antics. 

He seems relaxed here. More at ease. He's often calm and collected back home. But it's different. Like he can really breathe here. Surrounded by his friends and unrestricted freedom.

He meets my eyes and I see the smiles in them too.

I hear the roar of an engine drowning out all other sounds but I don't move to see.

"Are you okay?" He asks me.

I nod my head, one of my hands coming up to play with the hair on the back of his neck.

"Do you think they like me?" I wonder aloud.

"They do."

"But how do you know?"

"Because I know everything." He smirks and then his expression turns stern. "And if anyone doesn't, I'll have their intestines for a jump rope."

"Hey, Maddy!" I spin towards the voice and see Oakley looking at me before pausing. "Can I call you that?"

Nodding, I try and keep a small grin at bay.

I have an inkling this one's trouble.

"Pfft." Angel waves him off. "I get to call her Princess."

"Wait, that's good! I'll use both."

"Fuck no!" Angel retorts. "That's my nickname for her."

"Sharing is caring."


"No thanks. I'll pass on that one."


They both laugh and Althea shakes her head, giving her non-boyfriend a face that says, "how did I get here?".

"Do you like them?" I return my attention to Lucas.

"Mhm. I think so. I've only known them for less than an hour. And I don't even really know them."

"You will." He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and I feel a smile on my lips before he lowers himself to tease them with his own.

The loudest engine I've heard yet, roars to life and despite wanting to kiss Lucas right now, the intrigue has my head turning.

I'm guessing it's Madden. The shiny black of his car glints against the lights and people scatter as he approaches.

Belladonna  (Billionaire Boys Club #1) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن