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"How dare he speaks to me like that, huh? But at least I'm happy to answer him back." I said to myself.

After walking out of the auditorium, i decided to meet Santosh as i knew he was waiting for me to meet his mom so that we both can convince her for his admission to Harvard Law College.

While walking towards the parking lot i saw Nisha approaching me.

"Good that you're here, i thought you'll be busy with the auditions." She said.

"What auditions? Huh, it's already done for the day."

" quick?"

"Doesn't ask me. I think today is the worst day of my life."

"Why? What happens? Did Sahil proposed to you?"

"God! Please help me. Nisha, tell me seriously! Are you mad?"

"No, dear. I'm not. Instead, I'm very much capable enough to see what you can't." She said lifting her one eyebrow.

"You know something. Nisha, you badly need a doctor."

"Hahaha, not me. You need a doctor. Can't you see how much he is in love with you?"

"No. No, he's not, okay. Because if there's anything, I'm sure, he would have told me so." I replied to her.

"Maybe, he is facing the same problem that I'm facing. Even i can't tell Santosh about my feelings. And being a friend, you're not even helping me."

"Okay, fine. I'll speak to him. But next time, don't drag Sahil into all this shit. If he ever comes to know, i won't be able to face him. Just imagine how bad, he'll feel."

"He would love it." She giggled.

"Nisha, please. I'm already mad. Don't create more confusion."

"Why? What happened? And why did your audition got over so quickly?"

"All because of him."

"Him? Who?"

"You  remember, the guy with whom i fought in the morning."

"Yes, over a fan." She chuckled.

"Yeah. He is the college president and unfortunately, Mr. Caleb instructs me to work with him for organising the event."

"What? Really? That's why i told you so many times to visit the union room, see, if you would know him, then you would never end up in fighting with him."

"Hmmm. And now, he is simply taking revenge. God! How much i hate him. Anyways, Santosh is waiting for me. I should leave now."

"Waiting? Where you all are going leaving me here, huh?"

"I think, you should really join. You should visit your mother-in-law." I teased her.

"To Santosh house? To visit his mom? Why?"

"Please don't mind. I can't tell you now. I want him to tell you but yes, I'll speak to him about you today."

"Okay, if you say so. But if he gets

"Don't worry. It's high time, that he should speak up now. Anyway, he is waiting, i should leave now."

I saw Santosh sitting on his bike waiting to take me to his place to talk to his mom.

"Is everything fine Mallika? Did he said anything?"

"Don't worry. I already gave him, his appropriate answer."

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