Chapter 16: At war with myself

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♦ ♢ ♦ Xavier ♦ ♢ ♦

Kaitlyn did ask me to not fuck Connor and Terrence up. But I gotta do something, after she told me everything that happened.

There is unsettled energy in my body, and if I don't at least warn them off, I'll fucking explode.

I make my way to History, Connor and Dexter's first class on Thursday after I obliterated everyone in practice this morning. Coach could tell something was wrong. He didn't say anything, and I love him for that. He let me off the hook when I was more aggressive with others, and Carter and Sebastian took the brunt of it. I love those two fuckers to death.

I enter the history classroom, the teacher looking at me in surprise but my eyes pin down the two I'm looking for, snickering together.

And since I can't break Dexter's jaw, because we need that to drop on the floor, I go to Connor instead, picking him up easily from his seat by his collar, and pinning him to the back wall of the class.

"You think you get to mess with her, motherfucker?" I ask him so quietly, nobody but him can hear it. "Only I get to do that," I growl, pulling my fist back and bringing it to the side of Connor's cheek. My knuckles meet his cheekbone painfully, making me hear a slight crack as I punch him once.

People gasp as I shove Connor into the wall, making him stumble and clutch onto a chair to stabilize himself as blood pours down his cheek, swelling up. I turn to Dexter. "That'll be you next if you do something to Kaitlyn," I say as I nod my greeting to the stunned teacher, and walk out like it's a regular Thursday and I didn't just crack someone's cheek.

♦ ♢ ♦ Kaitlyn ♦ ♢ ♦

"You broke his cheekbone?" I gape.

Xavier shrugs. "Got community service for a day, because he didn't go unconscious unlike Terrence had. Wanna come with?"

A laugh of disbelief escapes me at how casually he just said that. "Sure," I say, shaking my head, still gaping at him. He's a totally different breed.

♦ ♢ ♦

"At least we got to clean the library," I say happily as Xavier brooms the floor.

"Don't they have vacuum cleaners?" He growls.

"It's a library," I frown. "You think they want the whole school to echo with those sounds?"

"Fuck's sake," he sighs. "Wanna change shifts?"

"Nope," I smile, putting back books into their place. "I'm happy with what I'm doing."

"And your boyfriend isn't," he pouts, which would make me melt, if I wanted to broom. And if he was my boyfriend.

"And his girlfriend doesn't want the broom duty. So he better suck it up and continue cleaning."

I turn to put the book back into its place, when suddenly, I feel big, calloused hands on my bare sides through my cropped top, making my breath hitch as Xavier puts his front to my back, pushing me into the shelf.

"Xavier," I choke.

"Hmm?" He sounds amused.

"What... anybody could come," I fumble with my words. "Stop it."

"I will," he purrs into my hear, making me want to roll my eyes back. "If you say yes to me."

I swallow hard as his hands grip onto me tighter, making me start to burn.

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙂𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙂𝙞𝙧𝙡 𝙏𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝘽𝙖𝙙Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora