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“Lucy,” is all he can seem to say

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“Lucy,” is all he can seem to say. “Lucy. How am I going to walk away from tonight? Seriously. How?”

I get goose bumps. I’m wondering the same thing. I let my head drop to one side, and we kiss. I’m hoarse and breathless. “I’m gonna die tonight.—

And the bell rings.

C'mon the nice part was coming . But nevermind at least history is over now. And Lunch!  I'm hungry too.

I pick up my books and move out of the class towards my locker. And can't help think about the last scene I was reading , it had me hooked. Which led me bumping into a tall person and all my books falling down.

Thankfully he was nice enough to help me pick it up .

" Thank you," i say looking up at him . Woah, is he handsome . Black hair and dark brown eyes , totally my type. "Are you new here? Haven't seen you before." He definitely is because someone that beutiful wouldn't have gone unnoticed in this school.

" Yes actually, my first day. Sebastian. " He moves his hand forward and I shake it .

"Stella." I smile at him . "See you around then? "

"Definitely." He nods his head and we go our separate ways.

I put my books in the locker and go towards the canteen . I find Ave , Nikki , two other girls and Sebastian sitting at our usual table.

But before I could join them Drake calls me from behind.
"Hey!"  He says."Do you mind if I sit with you guys today? Elijah called in sick. I'll be bored there. "

"No problem . You can come over. "

"If some from my table ask just tell then you invited me and I couldn't say no."  He says and I agree laughing at him.

We walk over to the table and take our seats. Well , I'm not sitting on my usual seat, beside Nikki, because someone else is . I mean it kind of bothers me because I have been sitting next to her since we became friends,  but it's I guess it's fine. I guess,  it did not mean anything . I sit in between Drake and Ave instead , in front of Sebastian.

What is he doing here?

"Stella, this is Simone ," Nicole starts gesturing towards the girl beside her, "Sam, " the other girl waves, "And Seb. They are new here , I was told to give them a tour and we'll they are fun so I asked them to join. "

"So we meet again . " Seb says .

" Yes..." I say unsure of any of this.

"And guys that's Stella, my friend,  and her ' boyfriend ', Drake " she says rolling her eyes. I frown but I don't say anything . I mean she has always called me just her friend , I don't mind, she even calls me her enemy sometimes for fun but... Yeah NVM.

Why is it bothering her so much?

Lunch continues and they are all having fun , by they I mean Simone,Sam , and Nikki . They talk , gossip, and Sam keeps high five-ing her. Seb doesn't join in much but occasionally yeah. I mean they do look fun .

Avery and me , that's what we have in common we're both quiet around new people. We basically bonded over 'Twilight' in our first year and we've been friends ever since.

Drake whispers in my ear after a while, " you're being awfully quiet. "

"I am usually this quiet . Just not around my friends. "

" Does that mean we're friends?"

" What? "

"I mean you talk a lot around me"

My eyebrows furrow," when did i — maybe I do nevermind. I just don't usually talk a lot around people. And even if I do it's like I talk about superficial stuff or like things that aren't about me. It's not like I don't like to talk about me , it's just.. yeah nevermind."

"You say nevermind a lot" he says and I laugh.

" I've heard that quite a few times. "

"So.. why don't you talk about yourself?"

I look down at my food , my mood suddenly dampening. It's not a sad story, it's really not, I just don't like to talk about it because I don't like opening up. I rarely open up to my friends even. I don't like people judging me for my thoughts or my feelings so I don't tell them . And sometimes Nikki does judge me, Avery doesn't but she also has a lot of shit going on with herself so I don't bother telling her much. As for my family , Talon is younger , I just can't seem to share my problems with him , and my parents , they are already stressed of work, they need I relaxation and my thoughts are usually very deep , need a lot of thinking and all . And sometimes it's just I don't like sharing them , I want them to be just with me.

"Hey where did you go? " Drake says waving a hand in front of me.

"Huh? "

"She zones out a lot , don't mind her." Avery adds laughing at my expense. "Let's go to washroom," she whispers after a while.

I nod and start getting up from the table.

"Where are you going? " Drake asks.

" Washroom, I'll be back in five. "

We go , do our buisness, gossip a little and come back. When I return back, a crowd is gathered at our table.

I was gone for freaking five minutes and this happens!?

" What's going on? " I ask a randon student.

"They're fighting, well about to. "

" Who?"

"Drake and..."

I didn't hear the rest of it as I move through the crowd and see both of them holding each other's collars.

No no no no no no no

I squeeze in between them and push Jace away.

" Stay away from him . Whatever issue you have it's with me , don't bring him into this." I cross my hands and sneer at him.

"Aww.. does he need a saviour?  "

" He doesn't . It's you who is creating unnecessary, illogical drama out here when it doesn't even involve him .  Let's go, Drake. He isn't worth my time nor yours.  " I take his hand and move out of the crowd.

" Or is it because you are afraid ? "

"You're the one who should be. "

Damn , that attention and tension was suffocating.

" I didn't need you to do this. " He says after we're out of the lunchroom

" Seriously, not you too. " I throw up my arms .  "I just stopped a lot of fighting that was going to get you in trouble. "

" I could have handled it myself. " He frowned .

" Yes, and that would have involved fighting. Plus, I meant what I said , he shouldn't have dragged you into this. "

" You dragged me into this. You wanted me to 'date' you. "

The blame game is it.

" I don't know what to say anymore." I leave out of anger not wanting to talk anymore.


It's just stereotypical for the guys to do all the saving 🤷🏻‍♀️.


I decided to do ' Guess the book' challenge. Basically y'all just have to guess the book at the start of the chapter, if there are any. Just for fun.

So.. Guess the book!


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