Chapter 25

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"That's a lot to ask of me, Tauram

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"That's a lot to ask of me, Tauram." The silken pillow behind Anjarah shimmered as she shifted in her seat, her back straight and her bun perched perfectly at the top of her head. "You're asking that I defy the current king, risking everything I have in the process..."

"I know." Tauram's hands were still pressed together. A few strands of his black hair had fallen over his eye. "But you are by no means obligated to accept just because I would like your help."

He left it at that, to Esmera's surprise. He didn't remind Anjarah about the dreadful fate that awaited Milatanur should they fail to remove King Ruagu by the gods' deadline. He didn't tell her about the scene on the main street that afternoon, of the king's gruesome power, of the terrified princess and civilians who had watched him wield it.

The choice was well and truly hers, as he had promised.

"As for you, Belaren..." Tauram turned his pleading eyes on his best friend next. "I did promise you that we would never return here after I was banished and you left with me, but Milatanur is our home. We can't leave it to be destroyed by the gods. The last ten years have been hard, but I would've never gotten through them without you. I need you to be with me on this too. Please."

Belaren's face hardened, and for a moment, Esmera feared he'd stand and leave the meeting, but he let out a breath. He swept the curtains of his hair away from his face and folded his arms over his chest. "Fine. I'll join the team as long as Anjarah doesn't."

She bristled beside Esmera, swivelling to glare at Belaren. "What does that mean?"

The lord slid his cool, dark gaze towards her. "It means that I only work with people of their word, and I know you make promises you don't keep." His eyes were like ice as he rested them on her.

Where she sat between them, Esmera shivered. She had seen the snow-capped mountains bordering the horizon. She had hurried across the edge of Parnakshi after sunset, but she had never sensed anything as cold as Belaren in that moment.

"You listen to me, Belaren Vinsingh." Anjarah leaned over Esmera and jabbed the object of her indignation in his chest. "I had every intention of marrying you ten years ago until my father gambled away my hand in marriage, having nothing else to put on the table."

The frost crusted over Belaren's manner melted, softening his face as he stared at Anjarah. Realisation widened his eyes. His lips parted, but he said nothing, just gave Anjarah space to finish her side of the story.

She retracted the weathered fingernail she had prodded him with now that she had made her point. "Did you know that I did everything I could to terminate the agreement my father made with Xin Mingei? I went to the Mingeis' estate and offered them everything I owned in place of myself, which wasn't much. Understandably, they laughed me out of their gates." That had happened a decade ago, but the quivering of her mouth told Esmera that she still felt the humiliation and powerlessness in her fate as keenly as she had then.

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