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Western Ironweed

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Do you want to run away with me?

Jamie's message dings and I stare at it, a goofy smile glued to my face at the fact she'd choose me to run away with.

Everything okay? I send back.

The phone dings again, but I never exited out of the messaging app. Mommy issues, I guess.

What's going on? I want to offer to go over and talk in person but I'm still waiting for Leroy to call me about the text I sent him. He usually responds faster than this, but his plate must be full with the newest murders at the fishing dock.

Ding. Same ole. Mom wants me to join the family business but I'm no good at it.

What do you want to do with your life instead? Every new bit of information I get from Jamie makes me enjoy her presence more, makes me think of the time when I used to stress out over what I wanted to do with my life. My mom was pretty strict about what I majored in, wanted me to focus on something in STEM, but my dad encouraged me to follow my passions which fell somewhere between English and journalism.

Don't make fun of me?

I can't wipe the smile from my lips as I type I'd never.

I want to do research. Something environmental. Something that will help heal the planet.

My mom would have been ecstatic if I wanted to do anything with science. I wish Mrs. Vanderbilt felt as lucky as she is. At least Jamie doesn't want to major in something useless. My chest clenches at the memory of the fights I'd have with my mom. What's the alternative?

Her response is almost immediate. Managing a business. And... Don't get me wrong. It's a very successful business but I tried to do some work for her over spring break and it did not go well.

I'm typing out my response, asking for more information about her mom's business when Leroy's call comes through.

"Gwendolyn? It's Leroy. I got your message. How can I help you?" He speaks quickly and there's clatter in the background like he's not fully paying attention.

"John asked me to call you," I start. "He wants to know if I can leave Bolton County."

Leroy clicks his tongue but doesn't respond. It's been quiet for so long I think the call is lost and I pull the phone from my ear to check if I still have reception. "He's going to run." The sentence is a mix of a question and a statement. He clears his throat, speaking with an edge of disappointment.

"He said those bodies at the dock were drained," I explain. "Bri—another woman in our clan—said she's seen something like this before and it didn't end well so they're trying to get as far from the chaos as possible."

"Mhm. The bodies were drained, yes. And I asked John for help eradicating the fools who did this, but I see he has other plans."

I swallow hard as defensiveness pools in my throat. "All you've done is make his life harder. Why would he help you?" After a moment, I add, "All you've done is make all of our lives harder."

"Gwendolyn, dear. You may not understand now but one day you will. Keeping the vampire race alive is a responsibility that falls on each and every one of us. We're stronger when we work together, and I can't help it when a single blood sucker is determined to consistently break rules."

I don't speak, don't breathe. I want to argue, to tell him he has no idea what he's talking about. I'm not trying to break rules. I can't help the guilt that numbs my entire body when I drain innocent people, but instead of telling him off, I stay quiet.

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