Chapter 32

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Hey guys!

I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Also, a little spoiler alert for people who haven't read Blue Flames yet.  

Happy reading!

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"Is it true? Will Arthur and his mate be coming to the pack?" Anna asked.

Lillian and Noah stopped. He was walking her to the field when Anna called out to them. Seeing as the teacher was almost waddling, Lillian and Noah went to her.

Anna's eyes were wide and bright, her face flushed. Lillian frowned. "Is it that big of a deal?"

Anna's eyes widened further. "Are you kidding me! He's one of the Five. They're like legends. I've never met them. And his mate is the very first fae who can be considered a hybrid between vampires and fae. They're like legends!"

"Okay," Lillian smiled, sharing a look with Noah.

"They'll be spending the night here," Noah said, much to Anna's squealing delight.

"Oh, can I meet him? Will you introduce us, Alpha? I have so many questions! He's a living record of our history! I'd love to have a chance to speak with him."

Noah's lips twitched. "I'll see what I can do."

Lillian's hands hovered as Anna jumped up and down. "My God, Anna! You're about to pop, stop jumping around."

"Oh, shut up, I'm fine!" Anna said, winded.

"But you should probably tell Johnson," Noah said. "He wouldn't want you anywhere near outsiders, especially ones as powerful as Arthur and his company."

"Oh, don't worry." Anna waved him off, her eyes twinkling. "I can be very convincing."

Anna skipped her way to school. Lillian shook her head. "I didn't know they were that much of a celebrity. By the way, what did she mean by hybrid?"

"A long story," Noah said. "You'll understand when you meet Elle. She's one of a kind."

Lillian hummed. Seeing as Noah had admitted to having had a crush on Elle, Lillian wasn't sure she wanted to meet the woman at all.

Stop being ridiculous.

She didn't even know Elle. She can't be bad if Amanda liked her. "Oh, is Amanda coming with them?"

Noah nodded. Lillian grinned, happy to see the female vampire again. Noah waved at Robert when they finally reached the fields.

"They'll arrive around lunch time. I'll come pick you up."

"I'll meet them?"

"Yes, I'd like to introduce you to them."

It seemed more than just being introduced. Lillian nodded. She was curious about them.

Noah dipped his head and caught her lips with his. Lillian melted against him, feeling safe and warm and loved. Her heart raced and skipped when they parted. With a kiss to her forehead, he walked off.

Lillian rocked back on her heels, her face flushed and her grin impossible to reign.

They had spoken the night before until Lillian fell asleep. She woke up tucked in her own bed, Noah nowhere to be seen. He appeared after they had breakfast, and the two of them saw the twins to their lesson before they bumped into Anna.

Pack mates no longer bothered hiding their grins, and their teasing remarks had grown in number and intensity. The bulk of that teasing was aimed at Lillian, since Noah was too serious to poke.

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