Chapter 13

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The servant led us to a room looking over the small barracks of soldiers tucked off to the side of the castle. According to Annalyse, this room was appointed as the Dragon Knight room; whenever we visited the castle, this was where we would be staying. A good thing, because it was easy to find in this massive building. It had a good view of the comings and goings of the castle gate too, which I was sure was intentional. One day, once my training was complete, I'd be able to take advantage of the position of this room to protect the important people inside, but right now all it did was help me get an understanding for the layout of this place.

We weren't high enough for me to see the city of Lexxis and its modern beauty, but there were so many lights within the city that a halo glowed above in the dark clouds. It was a magical sight and I didn't want to step away from the balcony yet, but Annalyse was calling for me. It was time to get ready for my dinner with the king.

Taking a deep breath, I mentally promised myself I'd explore the wonders of Lexxis later, and turned to go back inside.

Grinning excitedly, she directed me to the bathroom--which was even more lavish than our own at the base!--and helped me get ready for the night. She worked my hair and padded my face down with powder and charcoal until I couldn't take the ache in my butt any longer.

With an indignant sigh, she let me leave the bathroom. I stopped short when I caught sight of Jacob; he was in the middle of adjusting his tie in the floor length mirror sitting in the corner of our room. He turned and blinked at me in return. The peachy chiffon dress hung off my shoulders, showcasing my slender frame, but the corset pushed my breasts up, making them look bigger than I thought they could. A thick, silky ribbon laced everything together at my back. I had never worn anything like this in my life.

Annalyse gave my hand a little squeeze. "I'll give you two a moment." She left to join Grayson in the hallway.

I cleared my throat, uncomfortable with the look on Jacob's face. I could see it in his eyes, the change of his perception of me: no longer his little sister who always needed protecting, but his grown up sister confidently taking on the world. This look had expectations, ones I wasn't sure I could meet.

"You don't look too bad yourself, you know." Seeing him in his dapper suit, hair brushed and tidy, I saw a different side to my brother. A side I didn't think he had in him. He was a diplomat here, a respectable gentleman. It was one thing to see people in our village to take him seriously after he became a Knight, but it was a whole other thing for the leaders of our kingdom to respect him. He'd grown up far more than I had.

I sensed tears fast approaching.

"Hey now!" Jacob snapped out of his stunned silence and rushed to my side, handing me a handkerchief. "No need for tears, Eva. What's wrong?"

I took deep, controlling breaths. Annalyse would kill me if I ruined her hard work. "Mom and Dad would have loved to see you like this."

A sympathetic smile grew on his lips as he comforted me. His eyes were soft when he looked at me, the same look he always gave me when I was upset. It was the only thing that could keep me calm sometimes. "Me? What about you? My little sister is a grown woman now. They would be so proud. . . of both of us."

I nodded. All they ever wanted was for us to be happy and follow our dreams. I could almost feel the pride they would have felt if they could see us tonight.

We hugged to keep the emotions at bay. Now wasn't the time to revel in the past.

Annalyse knocked on the door. She, like Grayson, wore her formal gear as part of our protection detail. She could have been mistaken for the Commander herself she wore the blue cape so well; her hair was tied in a slick braid that trailed halfway down her back. However, despite how gorgeous she looked, her eyes did not leave my brother, like he was the belle of the ball. It was then when I realised she hadn't come here with the boys before; this was her first time seeing Jacob all cleaned up. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who approved.

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