Chapter 2

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Grace POV:

I hear voices around me and suddenly I feel super anxious. I already miss my parents and I don't know what to do since I didn't get to choose this situation I'm in.

"I know you're awake. Don't pretend." Romeo says and I open my eyes.I don't look his way because I don't want to see his face. I feel like I'm a baby who can't say or do anything and just has to do everything. I wanted to get out of this situation. 

"We are arriving to Italy in fifteen minutes so prepare." Romeo says while staring at me.I get really uncomfortable by the way he stares at me but I know very well that I have no say in that.

"My son will be there at the airport so behave. I don't want you throwing a show in front of him. Understood?" Romeo says with a scarier voice and this time I turn to him. I nod and he lets out a satisfied hum. I notice that we are landing since my ears hurt and there's an uncomfortable pressure in my head. I have never really liked flying. 

We finally landed after felt like an eternity Romeo drags me outside and I almost trip on my way to the ground from the plane. I follow him while he basically sprints through all of the cars that were waiting for us. Inside the cars there were mans with guns. And they were really scary looking. 

Romeo drags me towards a sports car. It looked like it was out of place since all the other cars were not sports cars. The other cars still looked super expensive. Then out of nowhere a man get out of the sport car. Sounds super cliché but he was really hot. And tall. And muscular. Okay I have to get myself back together. 

"Luca this is Grace, your soon to be wife." Romeo says while looking at the man. Apparently named Luca. Super hot name. Then I completely freeze once Luca turns his attention to me. His dark eyes study every single detail about me and I can't even turn my head. It was like he was pointing a gun to me but only with his eyes.

"Bellissima.(Beautiful)" Luca says while a small smirk appears on his face. I know that a huge question mark was instantly formed on my face because I have no idea what he said. 

"We should probably get going, the flight was probably really long." Luca says turning his head from me to his dad. His dad nods to him and comes closer to me.

"You try to play any tricks and I will kill your whole family." He says so calmly that it freaks me out. How can someone say something like that so casually. I freeze again and just stare at him. It feels like an eternity just staring at his cold eyes and evil smirk until I feel a hand in my lower back. I turn around really quickly and land my eyes on Luca. He smiles me and pushes me a bit from my back towards the car. He takes my bag from me and opens the passengers door. I get in and he throws my bag to my feet since the bag was so small. After that he closes the door and gets in the other side and starts the car. We are the first car to drive away and I look at the cars behind us that are also slowly leaving. I turn my attention to the road in front of me and completely zoning off.

"Why don't you seem unhappy at all that your father literally signed a deal for you to marry someone you have never met?" I ask him and see how he turns his head quickly to me and back to the road.

"It was kind of my choice. I got to choose if I wanted to marry you. Since my dad was the one paying for your parents house and groceries for a few years before they got a job good enough to pay for everyone in the household. It was my decision to make if I wanted to marry you." He explains and he looks at me with soft looking eyes. 

"So you got a chance to choose and chose to marry someone without their permission? Wow you're the greatest person alive." I say sarcastically and glare at him. His eyes turn dark and I get kind of nervous. 

"Hey I'm trying to make this as pleasant for you as I can. You better stop being so dramatic and collect yourself! Accept your destiny as my wife." He says angrily and all of the sweetness and kindness from his voice was now all gone. And I have to admit, I'm literally speechless. I just stare at him in disbelief and turn my gaze back to the road.

"It's easy for you to say stuff like that. You are not the one who was forced to move to a different continent to marry someone who you have never even seen. I don't think I'm dramatic at all. I think I'm pretty calm. If you put anyone into my place, they would probably shout their lungs out or something like that." I blurt out and wait for his reaction. But he does nothing. He doesn't look at me, he doesn't say anything. He just looks at the road. And he looks pretty pissed off. I don't really mind that because it's just better if we don't talk. At least I won't actually start liking him. 

We arrive at a really expensive looking house. No I take my words back, it's actually a huge mansion. I open my door and put my leg outside the car before I feel a hand on my arm. I turn to Luca and even though he is still clearly annoyed, he looks kind of amused at the same time too. 

"Did your parents never teach you manners?" He asks and I look confused.

"If you mean thanking about the drive then don't get your hopes up. I'm not thanking you for kidnapping me and driving me somewhere." I reply and I honestly don't know where that sudden burst of confidence came from. Because that man looks so scary. But right now he just smiles and shakes his head. I promise he has really serious mood swings. 

"No I'm not talking about that even though a genuine thank you would be nice. I'm talking about how a man is supposed to open the door for the girl. So sit down, close the door and wait for me to open it." He says while still smiling. I just huff and pull my leg inside. I close the door and turn to him.

"Are you happy now? Hopefully I didn't hurt your ego." I say while smiling sarcastically.

"Oh don't worry about that. I can teach you some manners. You will be mine to spoil in the end." He says and smirks. I freeze once again and he just smiles at me and gets out of the car. He walks to my door and opens it while offering his hand to me. I just shake my head and get out with my bag without his help.

"Look I think it's already really nice that you open the door for me so there's no reason for you to help me out of the car. I'm not a baby." I say while laughing a little bit. 

"No it's not enough. A man should always treat women the best way possible. Although not all men in the mafia world do that but I do." He says and smiles. And I freeze. I feel my face go pale. So that's why he is so rich and scary looking. He is in the mafia. That explains the tattoos on his neck and hands but still. When I feel a hand on my shoulder I jump back. 

"There's no reason for you to be afraid of me. Unless you are planning to do something that you are not supposed to do. Be a buona moglie. (good wife)" He says and looks at me. As he sees the confusion on my face again he just smiles.

"Let's just go inside and I will show you the house." He says and takes my hand and pulls me inside the huge mansion.


Heyy it's Xixi here again.

So I decided that I will always post a new chapter on Sundays so you can always wait for it <3


Thank you so much for the support <33

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See you next Sunday <33

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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