{chapter five}

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 Chloe's eyebrows rose, “Well, it's definitely not what you think!”

Dayna bounded around them, “Well, we would hope!” she sneered, “Grayson Holtz, gave you a lift to school?”

“My dad arranged it,” Chloe stuffed and headed toward the school.

Annie bustled at her side as they walked inside, “Your dad?”

“He's apparently good friends with Gray's dad?” Chloe shrugged.

“Gray?” Annie snapped.

Chloe paused and turned to her, “Hey, it's not what you think. I'm totally not into the guy. He's a...” She was going to say friend but that wasn't quite right.

Dayna smirked, shaking her head.

“You can have him, Annie.” Except Chloe knew better. His interest in Annie was nil, and that was straight from the horse’s mouth! Still, she wasn't going to take responsibility for crushing Annie's heart.

Annie and Dayna shared a look as Chloe continued down the hall, they caught up to her.

“So, what does he say when you drive with him?” Dayna questioned.

Chloe shrugged, “He doesn’t say much. He's a bit of a brick.”

Annie smiled, “I don't care. He's so hot! Do you think you could set me up with him?”

Chloe's eyes widened at the proposal, “I could see, I guess.”

“Oh my god!” Annie jumped on her arm, “That would be so amazing! I've loved Grayson since third grade!”
“You should really get out more.” Chloe commented.

Dayna laughed, “She's pathetic, I know.” Annie giggled uncontrollably as Dayna continued, “So, up for a little party on the weekend?”
Chloe smiled, it was the only thing she did know how to do well, party. She only had to figure out a way around Trooper Pryce.

“Where's it at?” Chloe asked.

“Bruce's house. His parents are in Anchorage for the week visiting family. He invited everyone.”

Chloe raised an eyebrow, “Interesting.”

One of the beefy boys from yesterday joined them, Chloe was pretty sure it was Scott because Bruce had a wider forehead.

He scooted up next to them, “So, girls, what's going on?”

Dayna jumped into conversation with him. Leaving Chloe to note the hormone fest. She hated girls that melted for boys.

“Party this weekend?” he smiled at them.

“We're going!” Dayna triumphed, “Same with Chloe.”

Chloe gave him a weak smile as they got to the door of their class.

“Cool!” Scott fist bumped her shoulder, “See you later, girls!”

“Ugh.” Chloe rolled her eyes and went about finding a place to sit.


When the bell for lunch rang, she headed out of calculus towards her locker. Which was covered in graffiti; a definite reject of the rest. She twisted the lock around and around, trying the code over and over. It refused to open and her frustration grew the longer it continued.

“Stupid thing!”


She snapped around to Grayson, “You scared me.”