The Mall

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It was about midnight, and Jason was about to finish his night shift. He walked over to the janitor's closet to put away the broom, dustpan, and giant trash can he was dragging with him the whole night. Jason closed the door and afterwards texted his co-worker that he's done with his shift.

Jason was about to walk out of the mall until he realized he forgot his jacket in one of the shops. Jason looked through the many stores in the mall, hoping that he'll find it before his co-workers arrives and sees Jason.

As Jason was freaking out, he heard the mall alarm go off. Jason heard someone running as glass broke around the mall. Jason brought out his phone and called his co-worker.

Suddenly, the power turned off, including his phone. Jason couldn't see, and heads the footsteps running closer. Jason crouched down in the floor in fear. The footsteps stopped at Jason's feet.

Jason then heard police sirens from the parking lot, possibly chasing the person who broke into the mall. Jason then stood up. He didn't know why. It felt like an instinct to him.

Cold, bare hands held Jason's shoulders. Jason wanted to move so badly, but now his body wasn't even his. His body was now in control of whoever was breathing heavily in his ear now. Jason couldn't move an inch.

Suddenly, shouting voices were heard approaching Jason and this mysterious person. Jason's body walked over to one of the stores near him. The mysterious person revealed themselves to be a female as their eyes glowed a bright purple.

Jason then felt the urge to sit down and uncontrollably stare at the woman. The police evantually reached their location, but right before they saw Jason and the woman, the woman's eyes glowed purple.

Jason tried to call for help, but the police walked right throught him, as if he was a ghost. The woman then looked back at Jason with a skirk on her face. She then decided to make Jason follow her to the Food Court.

To be continued...?

Hypnosis & Paralysis StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora