Traction: Part 5

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He was met quickly with a sharp left hand bank. Firing into the turn, he felt the G-forces compress his body to such an extent that he had to place his chest on the bike itself. Coming out of the turn he followed behind Lukaz. Still about 100 metres ahead. Marvin needed to make up some ground.

The next few turns went by without thinking. All of them sharp banks, the speed was being maintained at near maximum levels, going just over 410kmh! The G-forces were relentless! Just as the pressure was released enough to sit up, the next turn was upon him and Marvin was slammed back down. Eventually he decided it was best just to stay down the whole time, why waste the effort? Turn after turn passed by, left, right, right again, an incredibly sharp left caused him to think he might pass out. Despite the gruelling physical demands, Marvin was feeling good, because slowly but surely, he was gaining. Turn by turn, Lukaz was getting bigger in his visor, his bright red suit acting as a target to aim for. Amongst the chaos Jerrys chirpy voice could be heard.

"Ok Marvin you're coming up to the final stretch, just a few more turns, you need to make your move!"

This resonated with him on an emotional level, was he really going to let Lukaz, this new kid on the block, come in a take the championship away from him? Not a chance! Increasing his throttle even more, Marvin entered into the next turn with a spark of determination in his mind.

The increased speed almost flattening him against his bike. The pressure on his chest was almost too much to bear. But it was worth it to see Lukaz get even closer. There were only a couple metres between them now. Another turn. Another tremendous force on his body. Another metre gained. He could almost reach out and touch Lukaz, and in goodtime, because up ahead Marvin could see the final turn. Luckily the track eased up, stretching out into a final dramatic straight where the races could open up the throttle one last time before crossing the finish line, and what a finish line it was!

Even from here Marvin could see the vast viewing stands that surrounded it, along with a decorative golden archway that glistened brightly against the black sky. It also signified the finish line itself. Arching completely from one side of the track to another, the golden structure called to Marvin in the white light. To top it all off, above the golden archway and thousands of ecstatic fans, the blue jewel of planet Earth hung gracefully in the endless sky.

Both riders settled onto the straight. As far as Marvin was concerned, he and Lukaz were the only two riders in existence, and he needed to beat him! Hundreds of cameras erupted from the stands as the two riders got within range. The turn was fast approaching. Another left hand bank, however not as sharp as before so both riders would need to ease off on the speed, or else they would just be fired off the curved track about halfway round.

Lukaz pulled on the breaks. Marvin didn't. He needed to pass him before doing so. Pulling alongside the red rider, keeping him on his left, Marvin traversed to the right hand side of the track. Lukaz glanced to his side. The two rivals locked visors for a split second before the fast approaching turn loomed ahead and they were both forced to look forward.

"Marvin! Make the move!" Jerry cried out, the tension in his voice unmistakable.

Entering the corner on the right hand side of the track, Marvin aimed his bike at the apex, Traversing left as the bank began to curve upward. Lukaz on the other hand approached the turn from the left hand side of the track, traversing right as he rounded it. Marvin, taking the inside line, aimed to cut behind Lukaz as the red bike made its way to the top of the bank.

He made his move. Feeling the bike traverse underneath him Marvin held his breath as he made the pass.

All was going well, until disaster struck!

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