Chapter 23

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Since I had slept with my head directly under the fan, when I woke up the next morning, my head has heavy and I had a slight temperature. I had caught a cold. I was embarrassed and sad at my ability to catch a cold in the heat of summer.

So I had to stay in the base camp as I watched the rest of the people drift away in boat.

Jungkook elected to stay with me because he needed to sort out all the date we had gathered so far. He forced me to drink cold medication, although I insisted the medicine was not something any human could drink. But he threatened me by saying I would not allowed to eat watermelon unless I had my medicine. This person was really too inhuman.

After drinking the medicine, I took half a watermelon, and used a small spoon to scoop the pieces as I watched Jungkook work. It was so cool to relax while other people were working!

Unfortunately, when Jungkook raised his head and opened his mouth, I had no choice but to feed him a large scoop of watermelon. I was tempted to throw the whole watermelon at him, but it was a pity that I lacked the courage to do so.

The cook soon joined us and started chatting. After a bit, he asked us, "So when are you guys getting married?"

I nearly choked on the watermelon. The cook had really weird thoughts! Jungkook calmly raised his head and smiled at the cook. He replied, "We aren't planning to get married anytime soon".

I sighed. Jungkook had clearly missed the point. His answer would send the wrong message to the cook. So I took it upon myself to clarify matters. I wiped my mouth and spoke, "Umm....actually we aren't in the kind of relationship you are thinking of...."

The cook snorted disdainfully. It seemed that he was completely disregarding my clarification, and I was disheartened.

Jungkook brought his mouth close to my ear and whispered, "Do you know why I didn't clarify matters with him?"

Seeing this, the cook coughed twice and said, "I won't disturb you guys", and walked away, leaving me fuming in silence. I realized then that it was impossible to clarify the things between me and Jungkook. May be the only way left was for either of us get a girlfriend or boyfriend.

I evaluated these two options in my mind and decided getting Jungkook a girlfriend was easier. After all, this kid was quite attractive. There were many girls who liked him. Even the girl in the soy sauce shop was smitten with him. But why did Jungkook not have a girlfriend? Although we had never talked about this, we were almost 'inseparable'. If he had someone, I would have discovered her by now.

I suddenly remembered the book called "Love Psychology" That Jungkook used to read in the library. Then I remembered how, with uncharacteristic shyness and softness, he had invited Jennie to this trip. Then....

I almost blurted out my conclusion. I placed my hand under my chin and thought for a while before asking Jungkook seriously, "Jungkook, how about you help me with Kim Taehyung, and I will help you with Jennie Kim?"

Jungkook slammed his hand on the keyboard and stopped typing. He turned his face and looked at me in astonishment. "What are you talking about?" There was a dangerous going in his eyes. I interpreted this as his anger with my discovery of his secret. So I patted his shoulder and continued generously, "In fact, I know you are interested in Jennie. She is also quite suitable for you. Oh, don't worry about me knowing....Hahahaha".

Jungkook Stared at me strangely. Then suddenly, he pushed me to the flood and leaned over my body. He stared at me as he bowed his head, his face gradually moving closer to mine.

I was shocked, I had no idea what was going on in this bunny's head. Was he worried about me knowing his deep, dark thoughts? Although I privately did not think Jennie was interested in him, but with time.

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