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Ezekiel Pov

I was currently in an abandoned building with my friends and team. There was this drug dealer who was bothering us since a long time. He was in disguise and pretended to work in my company and then suddenly one day that piece of shit ran away with our upcoming plans and some important info. He threatened me that he'll expose me and God knows what. He really thinks this will work. First of all whatever he ran away with I had several copies of it and the originals were safe. It's just that I don't like in fact I hate it when someone touches what's mine. And second, if he likes those documents so much then I'll bury them with him once we're done.

He had some roadside rookies surrounding us. Huh ? Dude we're the mafia. I'M THE MAFIA HEAD. Roadside rookies seriously ? That's sort of a disrespect considering the fact that I've dealt with far worst shit. Some of these men realised who I was and changes sides, interesting. And some were still on his side, he probably owned them something. It didn't take much time to deal with them. They were all on the floor now. So it only leaves him and us now. But wait wtf is he ?

" Were the heck did he go ?" I was super angry now. He's literally wasting my time.

" He was just here. Maybe he's....." Before Callahan could finish what he was saying we heard a bullet.

That son of a b***h shot Raymond in the arm from behind. He immediately collapsed due to the affect thankfully Apollo caught him before his head could hit the ground. He was turning unconscious now.

I didn't wait any longer as I shot him on his leg. He fell to ground as I smirked.

I crouched near him.

" Are you pleased now. I thought I'd just beat the shit out of you and then leave you cause your not worth my time. But shooting Raymond was the biggest mistake you made. I hate it when someone hurts or even looks at something that's mine."

" You will feel it. Pain and regret. When someone takes away someone special to you, the one....the one you have a special corner for. You will feel the pain of a loved one being hurt. You will.... "

I didn't let him finish as I shot a bullet right in his forehead. The loud boom of the gun echoed in the building. My skin was burning with rage now.

I called a few of my men and asked them to clean that shit up and bury him with the papers. I don't break my promises.

" Take Raymond immediately to the hospital. All three of you go with him, take my car. I'll wait here and call for another car." I instructed them.

" Are you sure your gonna be fine waiting alone. I could stay with you. " Felix suggested.

" No. Raymond is turning unconscious don't delay. Two of you sit in front and one with him behind make him lie down in the backseats. If anything happens give me a call. Otherwise I need to be alone for some time. I need to calm myself. "

I helped them get Raymond comfortably seated. He was pretty unconscious now and his blood was oozing out with Apollo tried to stop with a cloth.

They left. I punched the nearby wall. My knuckles were instantly bruised and were bleeding.

" You will feel the pain of a loved one being hurt..." I don't know why but whatever shit that person said is still lingering on my mind. And my thoughts ran to Aria. I wasn't worried about my friends because they are capable of taking care of themselves very well. But Aria, she's actually the one I have developed a soft spot for. She's innocent and naive. She doesn't know what goes around in the world. She's in a little cocoon right now but once that's open.....the thought of her hurt takes away all the air from my lungs. I would die if something happened to her.

She's mine. And I will protect her even if it risks my life. My car came and I was currently driving, a few blocks away from my mansion. I came near the bridge and it was drizzling right now. I noticed someone standing near the bridge railing and staring at the cloudy sky. She was slightly wet due to the rain. She was dressed so simply, in a black v neck tshirt and some flared jeans. Yet she looked so pretty. Lost in her own world.

She looked oddly familiar. As tried lookin out of my car window I noticed it was Aria. It had to be because my heart would never sing praised of anyone else other than her. I parked my car near the sidewalk and went near her. She had not noticed me yet. She looked like a little glass doll. I tapped on her shoulder, she got startled. What was she thinking about so intensely ?

" Oh my god ! Wait Ezekiel ? What are you doing here ? " My name sounded so good coming out from her mouth.

" Why are you standing here all alone my love ? And in this weather, your already wet." I said as I opened my coat and put it around her. I cupped her face. It was quite cold.

" You shouldn't be out here in this weather. I don't want you to fall sick. Is everything alright Aria ? What were you thinking about so intensely ?" I asked her.

" I was just thinking about a case study shared with us today and I don't know how I lost track of where I was. I'm sorry hehe. " She smiled.

I sighed. This girl is surely something else.
" Hmmm but now can we go. I have my car, come I'll drop you home. " Before she could deny my offer it started raining heavily. We both ran inside the car. We looked and each other and started laughing. I don't even remember when was the last time I actually had a good laugh. I was feeling much better now, the previous anxiety and insecurity all gone now. Just her presence makes my life so much better.

I started the car. They rain turned much worse now, it was thundering and I'm sure it was a thunderstorm. She seemed very comfortable around me. She looked tired as a tiny yawn escaped her mouth and my cold heart warmed at her little actions.

" About earlier, are you sure nothing serious happened ? I mean if something or someone is bothering you tell me I'll kill them." I was serious again.

She chuckled and it was the most beautiful thing. He laughter is so precious.

" No....I swear it was the.....the case study." She said between laughter.

" Ok....but you know I'll always be there if you need me. " I thought it's the perfect time to tell her about my mafia position. I don't want to hide anything form her. " Ummm Aria....do you know what I do for a living ? "

" Yeah you are a ceo. " She smiled. She's actually innocent. Everyone knows I'm the mafia head.

" Yes and there's more to it. Don't panic but have you heard of the mafia ?" She nodded. " So I am the mafia head. I'm sure you must have heard of the Kings. So basically we don't only own companies but I'm also in control of all the underground activities and things going on in the mafia world. I took this position after my parents death. "

She looked like she was processing whatever I just said. " So you kill people and have guns and things ?" She whispered. " Yes we do but trust me killing is very rare in my group. Only when absolutely necessary and for those who deserve it. " " Oh....then it's fine. Although I would have been mad if someone else told me about it."

I was so so relieved. She's so understanding and calm. She's the best. I smiled at her which she returned. We finally reached her house. She was a little surprised about the fact that I knew where she lived but she ignored it. It was still raining, I got out to bid her goodbye.

" Why did you come out? You were already wet."

" It's ok. It would be rude if I didn't come out to escort you." I hugged her. She smelled like me now. The satisfaction I felt was beyond describing. I was about to leave when I heard her say.

" Wait why don't you come inside ? "

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