05. Learning

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- Ellery Cohen - 

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- Ellery Cohen - 

I was awoken by a loud commotion, making me jump under the covers of something. "It's just me, Ells" I sniffled a little, hearing familiarity at the voice. "M-miles?" I questioned, peeking out of the blanket, looking down at my arms, as I felt something heavy on top of them. 

"Come here, cutie" I was then lifted into familiar arms, cuddling up more into them. I didn't like being woken up, especially from a nap, so I was usually clinging, trying to hold onto my sleep. Miles wasn't helping me try to get back to sleep, because as soon as my head hit his shoulder, he started bouncing me. 

Rude, I tell you. 

"Sleeping beauty awake yet?" a unfamiliar voice entered the room, as I heard a few more people enter the place we were staying. I had no idea what it was called, all I knew was that it was nothing like what I was used to, and that scared me. 

There was no mommy, no Miss Sarah and no Miss Sarah's dogs that tickled my feet at dinner time or ate whatever I accidentally dropped on the ground. 

There was nothing I knew here, and I didn't like it. There was all these new big people, and they scared me. Even when I was carried, some of them were still taller. "Yeah, she is" a hand made it's way to my stomach, as I turned my head into a shoulder. 

The hand tickled my stomach, but I was having none of it. I wanted to sleep and not be bothered by these people. After my scare last night and this morning, I was beyond tired and grumpy. 

"She's just waking up" I really wanted to just go back to my blanket and hide. So, I tried just that. I reached out to the couch I had just been sitting on, not bothering about the other people. 

Someone seemed to catch on to my hands itching for the blanket as Miles continued to walk away, and grabbed it. They then draped it over my body when Miles had finally stopped walking. 

I pulled it over my head, placing my head on Miles shoulder, hoping he would finally get the point and just sit down so that I could sleep. Miles got the message, as he made his movements slower and quieter, but clearly no one else understood, as they all started talking loudly. 

It reminded me whenever mommy would have her friends over and I had to hide in the cabinet. Sometimes it could be just for a few hours on end, or sometimes it lasted for days. Mommy always apologized for forgetting to give me a little to eat and a bath, but then after she said that, she would sometimes hit me and laugh when tears were in my eyes. 

I didn't think it was nice when people hurt someone else then laugh at them, but if mommy did it, it was okay, I guess. But Miles hasn't hit anyone and laughed, so I'm confused. That's all I've been since yesterday is confused. 

"What do you want to eat, Ells?" Miles asked, as I finally opened my eyes again. I don't think I was going back to sleep for a while yet. "I actually got her a smoothie" that sounded good. 

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