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2 weeks later

You walk in to shift happily and put all your things in your locker before going to the kitchen

You make yourself pancakes and a strawberry smoothie then eat it with Ritter who was eating his own breakfast

" so how's things with gallo" he asks and you wait a second because you had food in your mouth " oh sorry" you say and wipe some of the smoothie off your mouth " yeah everything is great" you smile and he nods then weirdly gets up and walks away with out saying a word

You finish all your breakfast then clean your plate and glass but before you leave you sneak up in the counter and find some of gallos gummy's that he doesn't let anyone take but you steal a few eating them on your way out to the squad table where you sit happily

Hours pass and nothing really happens you basically just sit there on your phone and you guys get no calls

The day was boring and nothing happens no calls no nothing which is very unusual but shift was over and you walk out with gallo and plan to go to Mollys

You go home and get dressed then you go to Mollys

You walk in to Mollys and walk over to gallo and scare

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You walk in to Mollys and walk over to gallo and scare

" hello" you smile and sit next to him " hey" he says and gives you a small kiss

" Halstead, what can I get for ye" Herrman says and you look at him " just a beer, thanks" you say and hand him the money before he goes off to get your beer

You spend maybe an hour and a half there basically with everyone and you all had a good thing before most of you guys leave

You leave and go to sleep not long after

You walk in next shift and go to the locker room like usual then you guys get a call so you all leave quickly

You guys get there to see a 3 vehicle accident and you and squad goes over to the worst looking one

The woman in the front was knocked out so both severide and Cruz was with her and she had two small boys and Capp and Tony we're getting some thing out of squad

" hey both boys are trapped in, I have to go in to them" you say and severide nods then you slightly get the back window cracked open and manage to get in

" hey bud" you say to the older boy, who was maybe 6 and looked scared

You check him for injuries before going to the boy who was knocked out next to him who was maybe 2 and cheek him too

" hey can I get two children neck braces in here" you yell then Capp runs over and brings you them " k thanks" you say taking them for him and going to the older boy and placing it on gently and you cut his car seat strap of

" back boards" you say and Capp hands you one and you put the boy on it gently and you lift him out to Capp then you look at the younger boy who was still in his car seat

*Other*                                        (Chicago Fire, Blake Gallo)Where stories live. Discover now