Chapter 13

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(Sorry if your name is Steve 💀)

The sound of arguing woke me up from my peaceful nap. I slowly open my eyes to see Dally and Pony arguing about something. I was really too tired to care.

"Can you guys stop arguing?" I say and rub my eyes.

Seemingly impossible to get them to stop about their petty fight, I get up and walk towards the bedrooms. Darry's door is opened as he sits on his bed reading a book.

"What are they fighting about now?" Darry asks, keeping his eyes on the book page.

"I don't know. I tried to get them to stop but they weren't listening. Where are the others?" I ask, sitting on the edge of his bed.

"I think they went out to play football or something. Did you need something?"

"Um.. I mean if you're offering" I climb onto his bed and wrap my arms around his waist. He puts his arm around my shoulders, still reading his book.

"Just cuddles? Anything else, prince?" He asks with a smirk on his face.

"Stoooppp. You offered" I pout.

Darry smiles and continues reading his book. I follow along although I don't know what was happening in it.

After 5 minutes or so, the arguing in the living room abruptly stops before frantic voices start moving around the house.

"They're probably looking for you" Darry says.

I shrug my shoulders and rest my head on his chest once again.

"So let them look"

Dally walks by Darry's door but continues on walking. Unlike Dally though, Pony peeks into Darry's room and spots me.

"OLLIE! There you are! Dally and I have been wondering where you went to" Pony says before walking closer to the bed. He doesn't get on, scared that Darry would yell at him for it.

"I'm right here" I say with a little smile. 

"I'm sorry if Dally and I woke you up. We didn't mean to" Pony says.

"Don't worry about it, Pony. I had to wake up at some point anyway" 

After I made no move to get up, Pony slowly walks back towards and leaves. 

"You stayin'?" Darry asks. 

"Yea, if you don't mind" 

"Not at all"

It was silent as Darry continued to read his book in peace. The only thing you could hear was the soft breathing and the pages being turned after a few minutes. 

It was around five when the front door opened again and voices followed after. 

"Ollie? Baby? Where are you?"

There were some hushed voices before multiple people came walking towards Darry's room. Soda and Steve poked their heads in the doorway. 

"There's my little baby!" Soda said and came over to the bed before scooping me up and carrying me in his arms. I wasn't that small, was I?

Steve stayed behind in the room with Darry while Soda carried me out to the living room. 

All the others were already out in the living room. 

"How was school, Ollie?" Soda asked as he sat down on the couch. 

"It was fine. I had a lot of free time"

We continue catching up with each other before deciding to finally eat some dinner. 

When it was finally time to head home, Darry offered to take me home. It was a little strange but I shook it off as him just wanting to be nice. 

Darry waits for me by the front gate of the house while I slip on my shoes and say goodbye to everyone.

"Bye, baby" Pony says and gives me a kiss.

The rest of the boys give me a kiss and a hug before leaving me to go with Darry. The walk started a bit awkward, given that I haven't talked all that much to him. He was always busy at work so he was never really home. 

I always felt like I had to help them. Darry grew up at a young age to take care of his brothers while Soda dropped out of school to help with the bills. 

"You look lost in thought" Darry says, breaking me from my thoughts.

I look up at him before switching my view to my scuffed shoes. 


"Don't be. What's got you so worried?"

"Dar, is there anything me and my family could do to help you? You work so hard to keep up with the bills and you're never home. And when you are, you're sleeping for a few hours before you have to go back to work"

Darry looks at me with a small smile on his face and sighs. 

"There isn't anything I need you do to Ollie. You making my brothers, and the rest of the gang, happy is enough for me. Please don't worry about it"

The conversation stops there and we continue the walk to my house in silence. When we finally reached my house, Darry stops me in my driveway.

"Ollie," Darry starts. "I want you to know how grateful I am for everything you have done for the gang despite everything that has happened. You make all the guys very happy. I've, uh.. talked to the guys and they agreed to letting me have some of the happiness if you don't mind,"

I look at Darry with a small smile, trying to figure out where this was going.

"Ollie, will you be my boyfriend?"


Heeyyy. How's everyone's day going? I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Idk how many will be left but I'll continue writing till you guys get bored of this book, lol.

Any ideas, please comment them!

Not edited

Lots of luv, 


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