33. A Possible Solution

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Some things never change, like Ana's little snores when she takes a nap and loud snores when she actually sleeps for a long time.

Weirdly, I love her snores, as sick as that sounds.

She is sleeping beside me as I ogle at her like a freak. Her rosy cheeks and her smile are my favorite things about her. When she smiles, it is like the world become a better place for everyone.

She stirs in her sleep until she finally opens her eyes and looks at me, but the reaction she gives me is not what I expected.

She screams and pushes herself back. "You scared the fuck out of me, Rafa!"

"What did I do?" I ask innocently.

"Imagine you waking up and someone staring at you!"

She's right.

Damn it.

"Ugh, you're right, but I couldn't help it. You're beautiful, mi amor."

She smiles shyly and leans in, placing a kiss on my cheek. "You are beautiful too."

"Me? Beautiful? Try, handsome," I reply, making her roll her eye.

I step out of the covers and walk to the bathroom. I didn't want to leave her, but I have to get ready to meet with Mia and River. They called me the other day and told me that they found something that could help Cash with his sentence.

After taking a quick shower, I walk to the closet and get ready. Ana has fallen asleep again and I don't have it in me to wake her up.

Driving through the empty roads, my mind drifts back to our old home and I wish everything goes back to how it was. I am tired of running and I just want to live normally, even though it is not possible. I am the don of the Spanish mafia and I have a duty to fulfill.

I park the car and step out. There is barely anyone walking by and the roads are empty. It is early in the morning, so no one is awake, yet.

I knock on their door and they immediately open. Mia stood behind the door, wearing a bright smile and ushering me to enter.

"Good morning, Rafael, welcome," she greets.

"Good morning, thank you."

I follow her to the living room and River appears in front of me as he sits at the dining table, working on his laptop.

"You're finally here! I can't wait to share the news."

"What is it?" I ask.

"Would you like to drink something?" Mia asks.

"No, thank you."

"Okay, so, we went through Cash's old, buried files, and we found an accepted application to the police force in Vancouver. It turns out that Cash was accepted as a police officer five years ago, did you know that?"


Cash never told me about this. Why would he even apply to the police force while working for me? Besides, I didn't know he had an interest in becoming a police officer because if I did, I would have let him.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yes, positive."

"Does it say why he didn't accept?"

"No, he just didn't show up and later sent a letter to let them know of the reasons, which I don't have."

"That's weird...so what does this have to do with anything?" I ask, furrowing my brows.

"Well, there is a high possibility that the police force would let him go."

"He stole money and distributed it to the poor, how would they let him go?"

"Maybe convince them that he was under coercion by Ricardo, who cannot testify because he is dead."

"I don't think that is a good idea, I don't know. It seems like a long shot," I say with a sigh.

"It is a long shot, but if he did the lie detector test, returned the money he stole, and joined the force, maybe they would accept."

"I will need to train him so well for the test."

"I agree," he replies with a nod.

"Okay, send me those documents and I will talk with Cash."


"Thanks, man."

"Any time, brother."

* * *


The sun shone through the room, waking me up from my deep sleep. The only thing that makes waking up early better is finding Alba sleeping peacefully beside me.

I don't even know how she got here, but I felt some movement at night when I was asleep. She must have come here at night after I begged her to sleep beside me today.

A smile grazes my lips as I look down at her. The light highlighted her face perfectly and I couldn't take my eyes off her. She's beautiful, more beautiful than I have ever imagined.

I dreamed of this day, her liking me and giving me a shot.

After staying for thirty minutes ogling at her, I decided to wake up and go to the bathroom.

I am waiting for Rafael to bring some good news today and I hope he does. I want to take Alba on dates and live normally. I know she would want that. She deserves to have a normal life with a normal boyfriend, who could take her anywhere she wants. One who can take pictures with, without fearing the police. I want to give her all that and more, and it will happen, no matter how long it takes.

My phone pinged. I look at the screen and found a new text from Rafael. My heart beat fast as I read his message.

'Come to my room.'

I quickly walk to his room and enter without knocking. I find him sitting on his bed with a bunch of papers, making me frown.

"Is something wrong?"

"Why didn't you tell me that you once applied to the police force?"


"Look, Rafa, I wanted to tell you, but..."

"But what?"

I look down shamefully, not answering his question.

"I didn't know that you wanted to be a police officer. Why didn't you tell me? I would have let you."

"You would?" I ask in amazement.

"Of course!"

"Anyways, River suggested something that could get you out of this mess."

"What is it?"

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