Level Three: The Transportation Shed

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"There it is. The transportation shed. There's all sorts of vehicles inside. We gotta get one, get across the canyon and get to the Jaguar statue." Alex looked down the hill at the transportation shed.

"Okay, I see the transportation shed. I see the canyon, but I still don't see the statue which is weird because it's like the most important thing and it's huge." Bethany looked at the map.

"That's what she said." Fridge laughed.

"You drunk, Fridge?" Spencer turned to Fridge in disbelief.

"What are you talking about? I ain't drunk." Fridge glared at Spencer.

"He's drunk." Martha smiled over at Fridge.

"I had three little margaritas." Fridge shot Martha a look.

"Well you're about half your usual size." Martha watched Fridge.

"Whatever, whatever." Fridge rolled his eyes.

"Guys. Can we focus on this level?" Y/N looked between them all.

"Okay, Alex. What do we do? How do we get past these guards?" Spencer looked at the two guards outside the shed.

"Last time, I waited till they left." Alex followed Spencer's gaze.

"How long did that take?" Spencer kept his gaze ahead.

"Three weeks?" Alex looked around with a shrug.

"Oh, we gonna die." Fridge whined.

"Okay. Plan B." Spencer grimaced.

"Maybe there's another door somewhere. But we gotta distract those guys first." Alex turned to Spencer.

"I've got it. Distracting guys is, like, the main thing I do. He plays video games, I distract games." Bethany's face lit up.

"Besides annoying people." Y/N rolled her eyes.

"Bethany, I hate to break it to you right now but you don't exactly have the..The tool kit." Fridge looked at Bethany.

"You couldn't have worded it any better?" Y/N glared at Fridge.

"Not me." Bethany moved and gestured to Martha.

"What?" Martha looked at Bethany confused.

"You have to go down there and flirt with those guys." Bethany faced Martha as Y/N shook her head.

"No. No!" Martha looked at the others for help.

"Hold their attention while we sneak in." Bethany pressed.

"I can't just go over there and flirt with some weird soldiers I don't know." Martha watched Bethany in protest.

"I know girl. But right now we don't have a better idea." Bethany gave a sympathetic smile.

"Y/N can." Martha looked at Y/N.

"Oh, please. She can't attract anyone. You've got to do it." Bethany glanced at Y/N.

"You don't understand. I actually can't do it. I can't talk to guys. I'm terrible at it." Martha whispered to Bethany.

"Oh my god." Y/N complained.

"I can give you some pointers." Bethany ignored Y/N.

"No, I'm sorry. We have to come up with another plan. I'm not..No. Not doing that." Martha walked away.

"Martha, you just have to distract them long enough for us to get into the shed." Spencer walked over to Martha.

"I really don't think I can, Spencer. I'm not.. Like, I'm not actually some badass girl." Martha shook her head.

The Freak of Freak House (Jumanji  Welcome to the Jungle x Y/N)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt