#7: Here Come The Greyson Girls!

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Like most things in life, the girls were told there would be a wait for the results of their entrance exams. The family were informed on their departure that they should receive them by post within the next seven days.

In addition to reorganising her bedroom and making herself feel more at home, Charlotte spent the days constantly researching ghostly encounters and the paranormal. The question that floated around her mind was why? Why, when everyone else was busy, was she the only one who saw the girl at school? It was clear by her almost transparent state, that she was indeed a ghost or something that wasn't supposed to exist.

After dinner that evening, Charlotte sat in her room at the desk, her finger tapping across the keyboard of her new desktop computer as she busied herself with research on Lady Elizabeth's school. A notebook lay open nearby and she jotted down a few facts about the school and most importantly the building itself. But so far she failed to make an interesting discovery. She moved her mouse and clicked on the button that took her to the about page.

Charlotte scrolled through endless pages detailing the school's foundation from the late eighteen hundreds to now. It listed its teachers both past and present, and most contained a photograph. She clicked on a recent picture of the previous head teacher, Mr McAlistair, and began to read his sorry tale.

After the tragic death of his son Alistair, four years ago, the man found he could no longer teach at the school where his beloved son died. The further down Charlotte read, the more confused she became. And that's when she saw it. A photograph of something she never thought she'd see. There he was, dressed in his school uniform, his pale blond hair partially concealed by a dark-coloured cap. His piercing eyes stared out at whoever was taking the picture. It was him. But it couldn't possibly be. Could it? This boy, Alistair McAlistair died four years ago.

Charlotte thought back to the day of the exam and to that strange encounter. She remembered sitting there, confused and feeling rather stupid that she didn't know many of the answers. She heard a voice, like a calm whisper and as she listened, she found she was able to answer more questions. The vision of the girl, however, was nothing more than an awful side effect of stress caused by her father dropping an entrance exam on her with not even a second to prepare, of course.

Sometimes in life, the only way to fully find out about someone was to search for their name in an online search engine. Charlotte tapped her fingers on the keyboard as she brought up asked.com. Alistair McAlistair Larstone Village Scotland.

It took a few seconds. Slightly longer than it took before the move. Gradually the search results appeared on the screen in front of her. She scammed through the headlines, and then stopped once she found something that captured her interest.

There it was, written in bold, Son Killed by Father's Car.

Charlotte clicked on the headline. Her heartbeat quickened slightly, and the more she read, the stronger the beat became. A photograph of the previous headmaster at Lady Elizabeth's College appeared before her eyes. The image showed the same boy, standing slightly in front of a couple. The gentleman, who Charlotte thought was the boy's father, stood just behind him, his hand rested upon the child's shoulder while his other hand held his wife's.

The headline, written in a rather dramatic way, gave a sad and tragic explanation of what happened to him.

1st March 2018-
The devastating family of a twelve-year-old boy who was knocked down and killed by a car driven by his father, spoke yesterday of their heartbreak and anguish regarding the tragedy. Alistair McAlistair died in what police have described as a tragic accident on Thursday night. In a statement, the family described Alistair as a brilliantly shining star, with a voice of an Angel who was thrilled to have been accepted into a choir school in London. They revealed they would be respecting his wishes for organ donation to bring happiness to others to help them in their darkest hours...

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