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Time flies and I am now out the hospital, or more like medical room and I am currently walking with Jake to the throne room. I don't know why they called me tho, I just got out the hospital.

"You ready?"

"For what? You're making me nervous you know that?"

He just laughed before opening the door and my jaw literally dropped when I saw the people inside. I am aware of who they are but the way they look and their aura right now is so different that I feel like I'm in a courtroom and they are the member of the jury.

Immediately, my arms linked themselves with Jake as I feel like if he will leave me for a second, I would melt at how intense the atmosphere in this room is.


"Please don't tell me to relax when I can literally feel their gazes burning through my skull"

The queen slowly walked up to me before pulling me in for a hug and then she faced the people in the room.

I saw the king and queen of Zeviera along with Sunghoon and Sunoo. They were dressed in prince clothes and they look and feel so formal that despite knowing them personally, I still feel intimidated.

Then there's Riki, damn even he looks intimidating and I basically raised him. He's with his grandmother and his royal guard, Fuma. I also saw Nicholas by Sunoo's side with Jay.

There are also unfamiliar faces within the room but with the time I spent as royalty, I am aware those are the members of the royal court.

"First of all, I would like to thank the presence of Crown Prince Riki of Segovia and the royal family of Zeviera in this very important event in the royal family of Zequiero. This revelation also came to me and my son, Jake as a shock, especially in his part.

Unknown to everyone outside the palace, I gave birth to twin baby boys but because of the ongoing chaos during that time, we lost one of them. All those years, my husband and I believed he was killed because we found his body nearby but . . . a few weeks ago, after the fierce war between our kingdom and two other empires, I found my other son in the person or Jaeyun.

At first glance, you cannot tell them apart because of how identical they are. You might be wondering if this is real, I can assure you it is. I performed a DNA test and we matched.

You might be wondering how we met and how is he here. Well coincidentally, he's Prince Riki's friend and almost like a brother.

My son, Jake happens to be dating Prince Riki's adoptive brother, Heeseung and after Hanbin's death, Jungwon sent for Heeseung to come to Jake's aid and he came with Jaeyun. After Jake went with Prince Sunghoon to war, Jaeyun stayed here with Heeseung but unfortunately, the enemies thought he was Jake so they shot him. He lost a lot of blood and that's when Jake helped him.

That's when I also found out that he's indeed my son.

So, without further ado, royal members of the court, princes, king and queen, I formally introduce you to Jaeyun, second prince of Zequiero."

I was shocked when everyone stood up and bowed to me. Geez why do I feel so weird.

"Your Majesty, if I could, I want to ask some questions"

One of the people spoke and he's like one of the members of the royal court.


"Is the Prince aware of Prince Jaeyun's existence? Have they met before?"

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