1 | welcome back

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"Turn it up, Claudia!" Harper's voice pierces through the already blaring music

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"Turn it up, Claudia!" Harper's voice pierces through the already blaring music. I hear my sister huff and turn around to face us. I shoot her an apologetic smile Violet giggles beside me. Our driver, begrudgingly obeys, twisting back around and turning up the volume dial as Harper lets out a cheer, loudly singing along to the radio.

Squished into the middle of the back seats, since Claudia decided I wasn't allowed to sit in her precious passenger seat, I can't help but join Violet in laughing at our friend. My blonde hair tumbles into my eyes as I shift, trying to find a semblance of comfort in the cramped space. 

Amidst the noise, an odd sensation tugs at my stomach—a mix of anticipation to finally be back at Camp Ivory and the bittersweet realisation that this marks our final summer together before we go our seperate ways.

Claudia eventually decides that she's had enough of Harper's singing and turns the radio down, for which I silently thank her. With the music off, a comfortable silence envelops the car, punctuated only by the soft hum of the engine and the faint sound of singing coming from Violet's headphones. 

As we get closer and closer to camp, my eyes get heavier and heavier, with my head gradually finding it's place on Harper's shoulder.

"Astrid!" I feel a nudge at my shoulder and then my eyelids are being pried open. "Finally!" Harper's voice breaks through my haze of sleep.

"Harper, get off me!" I squeak, lightly shoving her shoulder back and pushing her hands away from me. Judging by the scenery outside the car window, I must have been out for over an hour as the familiar driveway of Camp Ivory comes into view. 

Violet rolls down her window, and I eagerly take in the crisp, fresh air. Pulling into the carpark, Claudia manages to successfully park the car - a rare occurrence for her. 

Piling out, we all pause to take in the scenery. Towering trees surrounded us, their leaves swaying gently in the breeze. Other campers bustle about, carting their belongings towards The Quad.

Suddenly, I'm knocked to the ground by an opening car door. Pain shoots through me as I collide with the pavement, eliciting an groan from my throat.

"Shit! I'm really sorry. Are you okay?" A voice sounds, filled with genuine concern. I look up and see a tall boy who looks to be roughly the same age as me. He has wavy brown hair and brown eyes that could be only described as warm. He looks vaguely familiar, but I can't seem to place where I've seen him before. 

"Yep, all good down here!" I respond as brightly as I can, despite the harsh pain radiating from my stomach. 

Grimacing, he holds out a hand in front of me. Gratefully, I grab it and he effortlessly hauls me back up to my feet. We stand there for a moment, neither one of us knowing what to say. For a moment he looks like he's about to apologise again but before he can speak he is interrupted.

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