♡︎Episode 3 S3

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After the events of the family dinner; later that night, Taesan sat comfortably on the bed, waiting for Tae to come out of their bathroom. For the remainder of the night, Tae had been pretty silent and replaying tonight's events in her head, Taesan couldn't help but feel incredibly bad for her husband.

Glancing up, Taesan watched as Tae finally came out of the bathroom. Climbing into bed, Tae propped himself against his pillows as he let out a sigh, prompting Taesan to sit closer to him and softly rub his arm.

Taehyung:"I'm sorry for losing my temper tonight ma belle..."

Taesan:"Don't be silly, you don't have to be sorry. If anything, I'm sorry that your dad treated you that way and got you to that point."

With the shake of his head, Tae let out a scoff as he frowned.

Taehyung:"He's such an arrogant person, it pisses me off. He doesn't care about anyone but himself and somehow he wants us to be grateful? For what? The fact that he's selfish. I can't fucking stand him."

Watching him closely, Taesan gently rubbed Tae's arm as she let him rant.

Taesan:"Do you think you'll talk to him again, just to try and sort things out?"

Taehyung:"...I'm done talking to him San. Until he realises what a terrible father he's been. I have nothing to say to him."

Taesan:"I understand....what about your mum?"

Tae looked down momentarily, as he thought back to his mothers face.

Taehyung:"It's complicated with my mum. I know that she's upset that I embarrassed her. Whether or not I was defending her, i still openly lay all her personal feelings out in the open. Which wasn't my place to. I'll apologise to her when I can...."

Taesan:"Well, hopefully when you talk to her she can understand that you were only trying to defend her. Maybe she could even make your dad understand where he went wrong."

Letting out a soft sigh, Tae shook his head, as he lifted his arm to wrap around Taesan's shoulder; bringing her to rest her head on his chest.

Taehyung:"Not so sure about that ma belle. My dad's stubborn. But either way, the way he acts, shows me more and more the kind of father I don't want to be. When we have our own little family, there's so much for our child I'll do that my father never did for me."

Suddenly being pulled back to reality, Taesan remembered the negative pregnancy tests that she was faced with. Hearing Tae's words, only made her feel more guilty about the fact that there was a possibility that having children....possibly wasn't achievable.



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