3. Who is my neighbour?

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Rooh's POV-

"Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you that you will be working with the BTS team."


'Oh my god! Rooh, you're gonna work with THE BTS. I'm proud of you girl. You know, you're gonna live a life which thousands of girls dream to live.'

"Ugh! Shut up!" I shushed my inner voice.


Miss Kim gave me orientation about my work. I will be a camera director in RUN BTS as of now and if PD Nim liked my work then maybe I will sign an exclusive Contract with them. Yeah, right now I am on a probation period that is 3 months.

"Thank you Miss Kim. I will do my best." I sincerely thanked her. She is such a good person.

"Good luck Miss Rooh. The shooting for today's RUN BTS is on the set behind that door. Fighting!"

I smiled. She then left me to continue her work. I was nervous to go inside.

I relaxed myself by breathing in and out and opened the door.

"Woah!" I whispered.

This set is so simple yet beautiful. The wall were of purple colour and were decorated by balloons and stickers. A big silver valvet carpet was on the floor with BTS plushes like Tata, Mang, Chimmy, RJ, Koya, Cooky, Shooky, and Van. And some staff members are preparing for the shoot.

Although the shooting would start after an hour, all the preparations were almost done.

I went towards PD Nim and introduced myself. He already knew about my arrival. He told me that he had already seen my work and liked my work very much and is looking forward to work with me.

I thanked him for his appreciation towards my work.


I am already at my position which was on the left side of PD Nim. The shooting will start in 10 minutes.

I was busy cleaning my camera lens when there was a stir on the set. As I looked away from the camera, I saw 7 Prince coming and greeting everyone. "THE BTS"

Handsome, stunning, breathtaking, elegant, mesmeric and all the adjectives I know were less for these guys. They are the epitome of beauty. Their Aura was too strong yet positive.

'Get a grip girl! You are here for work, not to gaze at these handsome, stunning, breathtaking, elegant and mesmeric guys!!'

I came out of my thoughts, thanks to my inner voice. (Please note the sarcasm)

Hey, did I ever mentioned that I am also BTS ARMY.

Haha I think I forgot.

Although I like all of them for their work and dedication but I am not like those crazy fans. Umm...If you wanna ask about my bias then that is ....

"Umm...Excuse me" Someone tapped on my shoulder and I came out of my thoughts.

"Yes?" I asked the girl.

"Hello. I am Eun Bit Na. I just found out that you will be working with us. Let's get along well. " She said while smiling sweetly at me.

"Hello. I am Rooh Kapoor. I am from India. And yeah, we gonna work together. Please take care of me. " I said to this beautiful and sweet girl. I like her.

"Actually I wanna tell you that we have this rule that all the staff members have to wear a mask while shooting. This is only for our own safety and privacy," she told me. Awww, how nice of her. And handed over a black mask.

"Thank you so much." I took the mask and wore it. I feel happy as the company is thinking about our privacy.


There are a lot of cameras here to capture each member's actions individually and as a group from different angles. My job today is to capture Jungkook's actions.

Few minutes later, the shoot started.

I must say, the golden maknae is cheerful and gives a lot of expressions. He is giving a lot of answer. He was teasing V oppa a lot.

"Aww, he is so cute. V oppa fighting you can win this."  My inner voice came back, again.

"Hey, I am working! Let me focus. You can concentrate on V oppa later at home, on TV." I literally shouted at my inner voice. Sometimes, I wanna kill my inner voice.

I focused on my work again. Or should I say on Jungkook. Whatever. It's so fun to shoot these guys. They are so respectable towards the staff members. I really liked this quality of them.

After some time, during shooting they all were struggling for giving the correct answer. Jungkook was too focused while remembering the answer and suddenly he shouted, "JUNGKOOK...JUNGKOOK... JUNGKOOK".
All the members and the staff startled.
"Aah... Yaa! Jungkook you scared us", Jin oppa scolded him while putting his right hand on his heart. I chuckled a little in my mind.

Jungkook just smiled awkwardly and answered and waited for PD Nim's response.

"Correct" PD Nim replied cheerfully.

"Aah! he won again." Jin who was on another team said.

Suddenly Jungkook's eyes moves towards my camera or... should I say towards.....me?

For a moment, It felt like time stopped and there were only him and me in the room. My startled eyes met his and it felt like he was also staring at me. Was he???

Oh please! Don't give yourself too much attention. He is looking at the camera, not you, you pabo(idiot).

Ugh!! There she goes again. I sighed and looked down. Maybe she is right. I mean, most of the time my inner voice is right. And why would 'The Jungkook' look at me? Who am I? 'Huh! Literally nobody.' Ugh! There she goes again.


After almost three hours, the shooting ended for today. My body was tired but my mind was not as I had so much fun today.

I got a call from my parents right after the packup. So I left the set before everyone to attend the call.

After talking with my parents for 20 minutes, I went back to ask about the next schedule. There were only a few staff members left who were wrapping up everything for the day.

Eun Bit Na came towards me and told me about tomorrow's schedule. We then walked out of the building together talking about each other's life. I bid goodbye to her. She is so sweet. We got the same vibes so we both clicked instantly.


As soon as I came out of the elevator, I saw my neighbour's door was closing. I live on the top floor of this building and there are only two apartments on this floor. And it's been a few days since I came here yet I don't know who's my neighbour.

Yesterday, I rang my neighbour's doorbell to introduce myself as we are going to live on the same floor but got no response. Maybe he or she was not there.

I kept wondering about who my neighbour is. Before sleeping, there was only one question in my mind that I should ask Uncle Jeon about this invisible neighbour.

Should I?

Hi guys. Are you finding this story interesting or not? Please tell me in comments. Also tell me which part you liked the most. As for the next chapter, I am sure you guys are gonna love it.

Also tell me who do you think Rooh's bias is?

Borahae BTS and ARMY 💜

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