Bonus Chapter

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4 years later...

Charlotte, NC
July 10

Ariyah yawned into her hand as she walked inside the home through the garage door. "Pooda! I'm home," She announced throughout the quiet two-story house. Quiet...just how she liked it, no kids running around and no stress.

The quietness of the home was soon cut short after she walked towards the kitchen. The sounds of whining could be heard coming from the living room causing Ari's eyebrows to furrow in confusion. She sat her purse and phone on the island counter and retreated her way into the living room. Ari's eyes grew wider at the scene in front of her, Lucky was whining as he sat in the black metal cage "ZAHI! WHY IS MY BABY IN THIS FUCKIN' CAGE?!" She yelled angrily, quickly making her way to the cage to save her child. She could hear footsteps coming towards the living room as she unlocked the cage.

"Fuck you yellin' fa'?" Makai came into the living room with a hard mug plastered on his face. He was upstairs taking a peaceful nap before he heard her yelling. He heard her announce she was home but he thought she was just going to come upstairs like she always did. He tucked his lips from laughing, seeing his wife pick up Lucky once he was out of the cage.

"What is the matter wit' you?" She fussed, rubbing Lucky's head the more he snuggled his head into her chest with his tail waving fastly. "I should really beat yo' ass, you know he is scared of this cage. What type of father are you," She continued on with her fuss.

"What I tell you 'bout yellin' at me?" He questioned, raising his eyebrow and still trying not to laugh because he knew she was really upset. "How about you ask me what he did first before yellin' Amoura," He muffled a laugh.

Ari rolled her eyes "He ain' do nothin' to be put in a cage stupid," She said harshly, about to walk past him.

In one swift motion, Makai's hand was wrapped around her neck as he pushed her up against the nearby wall. Ari felt Lucky jump in her arm, hell she almost jumped out of her skin too with how fast this all happened. "I ain' no li' nigga Amoura, I'm yo' husband so speak ta' me like it," He spoke sternly while looking down into her eyes. "Understand?" He questioned.

Sometimes he had to put her back into her place or she would always walk over him. His wife has changed into a spoiled woman over the years, it was nobody's fault but Makai's for doing it so much.

Ari slowly nodded her head, at times she forgets to watch her words when he gets upset. He doesn't talk to her like that so she shouldn't do the same to him. "I'm sorry Pooda," She poked her bottom lip out.

He leaned down, pecking her bottom lip softly "It's alright," He removed his hand from her neck.

"You still shouldn't have put my baby in a cage," She said smartly, moving from around him.

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