Chapter 42: Andy

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"Are you free tonight? I need your help breaking into a building."

It's the last Friday before school starts, but instead of spending it at Jackson's bacchanalian party that inevitably results in half the grade getting citations for underage drinking, I'm wallowing in bed, recovering from a long day of pre-season conditioning for basketball. I'm lame, I know; I have a great penchant for self-awareness.

As much as I want to end this summer on a high note, I can't bring myself to waste another night with my sweaty, drunk classmates who act like being a lesbian is contagious and think they're punk because they listen to the Sex Pistols. I've put up with their shit for three years. If I'm going to be stuck in this town for the rest of my life, I might as well pick my battles when I can...

"Hello? Andrea? Are you there? I really hope this isn't your mom."

"No, uh, it's me." Typical. I've been waiting for Talia to call for days, and now that she's on the line, I can't think of a thing to say. I reach for my radio, turning on a classic rock station in case any of my nosy relatives are eavesdropping. "Why are we breaking into a building?"

"I want to go back to Bodie House. Finish what we started."

"You want to go back to the place where my brother got caught?" I whistle through my front teeth. " That's a gutsy move, even for you."

"Think about it, Andy. Rachel wouldn't be keeping an eye on this place if she didn't have something to hide. We have to go back."

There's a rumbling sound in the background of the call. A car engine, followed by the unmistakable squeal of truck brakes at a sudden stop. "Hold on," I say, not fully believing what I'm hearing, "are you driving right now?"

"No," says Talia. Then, "I'm stopped at a redlight."

"You've got to be kidding me. You own a car phone?"

"Nah, it's a brick. I bought a Motorola last year after tracking down the Lost Doukhobor Ledge. My map got destroyed in a lightning storm, but I managed to bring back a chunk of silver ore and sell it by the ounce. I'd rather have the map, of course, but I'm just happy I didn't get electrocuted. Why?"

I find myself shaking my head. "Your life is unreal."

It's a big world out there," Talia says. I can practically hear her smiling on the other end of the phone. A Motorola! Unbelievable. "So, are you in? I'd feel a lot better if someone was watching my back."

I don't know why Talia is still asking for my help when I've only brought bad luck to her investigation. We didn't find anything useful in the Sorrento's basement, and our recent research has been nothing but dead-ends. "You trust me that much?"

She hesitates a moment before answering, as if recalling Dolores's warning from earlier: Trust nobody in this town. Believe nothing, not even your own instincts. "I don't really have a choice, do I? We all have to put our faith somewhere."

"I'll try not to let that go to my head."

"Look, if my plan goes south -- and I mean if -- I'll take the fall for it. I've already got a record, and I know how to deal with the cops. I know my word doesn't mean much to you, but..." She lets out a sigh that sends shivers down my spine. "I'm not dragging you into this mess. And that's a promise."

As much as I appreciate Talia's assurance, it's a little too late to be making a promise like that. We're all a part of this now, our lives stacked together like a house of cards; and if one card gets removed, we fall down together. Whether we like it or not.


I ask my brother to drive me to Bodie House. Not my first choice, considering what happened the last time he visited the place, but I'm assuming Talia doesn't want two cars at the scene in case we need to leave quickly.

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