Law of the Jungle

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The first ray of the sun hit Saya's eyes like a bright burning flame. She groaned and lift her head lazily to avoid the beam of light, only to find she was not on her very familiar tree branch where she always sleeps. She shook her head and tried to remember where she was and what was she doing. Then it hit her.

Of course. I'm in the jungle. Not in my homeland.

Last day, Mowglie took her to a secret place to eat when she said him that she was hungry. It was a small cave where he keeps some leftovers for later use. She was hesitant at first. After all, the pack has hunted these preys after a lot of hardwork. She was feeling guilty for taking share. But Mowglie said that it was the leftovers, so wolves wouldn't want these anymore.
So there she was. After having a long, annoying but exciting day, with a full stomach, laying on a tree branch comfortably.
Suddenly, she felt a weight on her back. She turned around, only to find Mowglie sleeping on her back peacefully. She smiled, then another thought hit her.

Waait. Wasn't Bagheera supposed to going to teach us the laws of the jungle today?

She stretched a bit and then nudged Mowglie.
"Wake up Mowglie. It's morning already. You need to wake up now." She said.
"Mhmn. It's morning already?" He mumbled in sleep, and sleepily opened his eyes.
"Yeah. I know. But you have to wake up now. Besides,Bagheera is supposed to teach us today. I don't wanna be late on my first day." She chuckled.
But Mowglie sprung up when he heard Bagheera's name all of a sudden.
He clucthed hus head while panicking," Oh no! I totally forgot!" He almost shouted.
"Forgot what, Mowglie?" A husky voice startled them both. Saya lokked down, and her heart skipped a heartbeat. Standing in the ground just under them was, the one and only Bagheera.
The last drop of blood left Mowglie's face. He beat his lips with fear in his eyes.
"Um... g-good m-morning Bagheera." He sluterted.
Saya in the middle was totally out of her brain about what was actually going on here and why was Mowglie so scared to see Bagheera.
Till then Mowglie has climbed down the tree. Still too scared to look at Bagheera's eyes.
"Mowglie, do you know why am I here?" He asked, a little sternly.
"Yeah? I-I guess." He looked at his feet.
"If you know this, then you must also know that YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE AT THE PEACE ROCK UNTIL DUSK. And even after knowing this, you took Saya with you, and slept with her so far from the Peace rock? Do you think she is aware of the dangers that is lurking in the shadows of this jungle.
Saya jumps down from the tree and asks," Bagheera, what's going on? Why are so mad on Mowglie all of a sudden?" Confusion ckar inbher voice.
Bagheera sighed to calm himself down.
"It's not the way you're thinking Saya." He paused," It's just this that Mowglie got kidnapped once by the monkeys two moons ago. The monkeys are hated by everyone of us due to their mischievous intentions towards evryone. But Mowglie got kidnapped because the Monkey King wanted him to bring him the red flower, which will help him rule this jungle. Even if it has been two moons now, none of us would want him to fall in that kind of danger again." He sighed again, looking ar Mowglie. Who was more interested to the ground.
He started speaking again, " And as for you, man cub-
"Wait!" Saya cut him down," If that's all, then I'm in fault to right? You can't blame Mowglie about everything. I mean I'm the one for whom he slept so far away from the Peace rock." She said, guilt feeling her voice. She also stole a look towards Mowglie, who gave her a 'thanks'.
Then, both of them felt Bagheera's eyes staring at them. Both of them looked at him,with the most pitiful face they can make.
"Ugh! Fine I got it." He said," I'm not mad at anyone now, happy?"
With that said, both of them cheered, and started laughing.
Bagheera couldn't help either and chuckled.
"Alright now," he said," enough with all the jokes. Mowglie go to the Oeace rock now."
Then he turned towards Saya," We should start with our learning of the law of the jungle now. Shouldn't we?"
"Oh, yeah, I almost forgot about that. Where's the rest?" She asked.
"I've asked them to gather around a certain place. You're the last one. Come on follow me." He tilted his head towards a certain direction.

So, Mowglie went to the Peace rock while Saya followed Bagheera to who knows where.

Bagheera took her to a certain flat rock. Arriving there, she found Scarface sitting there.
"Scarface, where is Cleo now?" Bagheera asked, pretty much annoyed.
"Why? Didn't you meet her on the way? She said she is going to search for you after getting impatient." He replied.
"What?! But I asked you guys to stay here and not go anywhere!" Bagheera said.
"I'm here."
Everybody's attention went to a bush from where Cleo appeared. She was covered in dirt and leaves and twigs were attached to her fur. She was huffing slightly.
"Cleo where the heck were you?" Bagheera asked.
"Well I was gonna look for you guys but accidentally tripped and fell on a pit. It was pretty hard but I managed to drag myself out." She said, feeling proud that she didn't need any help to come out of the pit.
"There's nothing to be proud of about that Cleo." Bagheera sighed, giving up already.
Cleo simply laughed nervously.
"Anyways," Bagheera said,"let's start with the first and foremost Law of the Jungle." He jumped upon the flat rock and sat there with his back straight. Saya went and sat down beside Cleo.
"Now, this is important. So listen to it carefully."
"NOW this is....."
Right after Bagheera started the law of the jungle, Saya's attention went to his body.

He has such a shiny fur coat. Wonder if my fur is as shiny as his.

Then her eyes went to his paws. They looked so powerfull. He could definitely kill someone with just one hit. She looked at her own body once. She was much smaller than a healthy black panther and also a little skinny, due to the lack of proper nourishment. She thought if she can ask Bagheera sometime to teach her some hunting skills so that she could hunt more faster and easily.

On the other hand, Cleo was admiring Bagheera too. She thought he was really hot. Too hot to take. On her unknown, she had already stretched her body as if to jump on him.

".....pack." Bagheera finished. It was then he noticed that none of his students were paying attention to him.
Saya was looking at his foot and lost in her own thoughts. Cleo looked like she was about to jump on him. As for Scarface, when Bagheera was halfway of the law, Scarface realized that none of the girls were listening to Bagheera, so he simply gave his attention to two butterflies fluttering before him.
"Are you guys LISTENING?!" He said loudly.
The reactions were epic, showing the level of distraction they were in.
Scarface visibly winced. Saya almost jumped. Cleo sprung backwards realizing the posture she was in.
All of them settled and chuckled nervously, giving Bagheera an indirect no. He sighed.
"Listen Care this time and memorize it." He said.
"NOW this is the law of the jungle, as old and as true as the sky, And the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die. As the creeper girdles the tree trunk, the law runneth forward and back; For the strengthof the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack." He said slowly, so that others could hear and memorize it.
Listening to the law carefully, Saya understood that, here wolf represents all the animals of this jungle.
"Another important thing, DO NOT ever hunt man. They are dangerous to the jungle." Then Bagheera added after a pause," Well except Mowglie. He would never even think about harming this jungle. He is an exceptional."
"So, you mean we can hunt him?" Cleo asked idiotically.
Saya looked at her and glitched.

What the mating season? Is she even in her senses?!

"Well you can try. But before you could succeed I will kill you myself PERSONALLY!" Bagheera said, giving Cleo a killer glare.
"Do NOT ever try to hurt Mowglie." He said bluntly to all of them.
Saya sighed. Thank goodness it happened in front of Bagheera. She couldn't imagine what would have been their state if Cleo blurted this out in front of the wolf pack.
There's a long way for Saya to get to be close to this jungle or it's animals with these two idiots.


Another chapter done. Thanks to all those who waited patiently although this chapter still sucks. But I'm super tired now. Please don't mind any mistakes. Positive comments are appreciated.


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